Freshman Chutzpah


ND Fan
Sep 7, 2003

I'm in the old school camp of - What is he supposed to say? Uh, nothing.

But honestly in today's atmosphere of production quality "look at me" videos to announce where one is going to college, I wouldn't expect much more.

I suspect some coaches would probably rip the kid a new one for providing additional motivation to the opponent, but in this day and age ND's athletes are probably doing similar type jaw flapping anyways.
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Isn't dabbing like so 2015???

At least that's what my four-year-old niece tells me. ;)

;) I showed the pic to my 12 year old daughter and she had a grand time asking me to do it and then laughing a lot at my "attempts" Was a nice, couple minute diversion from tonight. Having a whirlwind of emotions tonight as we are taking my son to TCU tomorrow to move him in for college and have been reflecting on how fast it seems the past 18 years have gone by. I'm proud of him, but it is a bittersweet moment as well to lose him from the household. I know that sounds corny but such is life.
;) I showed the pic to my 12 year old daughter and she had a grand time asking me to do it and then laughing a lot at my "attempts" Was a nice, couple minute diversion from tonight. Having a whirlwind of emotions tonight as we are taking my son to TCU tomorrow to move him in for college and have been reflecting on how fast it seems the past 18 years have gone by. I'm proud of him, but it is a bittersweet moment as well to lose him from the household. I know that sounds corny but such is life.

Understand fully, my child turned 21 this past
April and she will be a junior in her major at VU.
I gotta believe that Kelly with 7 recruiting classes in the books vs Strong with barely 1 or 2 (plus a housecleaning of prior recruits) is huge advantage in experience and talent ND

I gotta believe that the established ND staff vs a UT staff actually still in pricss of assembling is huge advantage ND.

Two, not one but 2 HT watch QB's vs a true Fr. QB in his 1st college start: huge advantage ND

Like ND stadium, at UT, losses in recent years past has resulted in the invincibility at home reputation.
Home field is still the usual home field advantage.

The game sets up as a game ND should win with emphasis; not a blow out but a emphatical W.

Anything else is a WTF happened, who spiked the cool aid question!

I expect the pom pom sunshine pumpers to put predictions where their pom poms are! no bed wetting at the 1st sight of opposition!
I gotta believe that Kelly with 7 recruiting classes in the books vs Strong with barely 1 or 2 (plus a housecleaning of prior recruits) is huge advantage in experience and talent ND

I gotta believe that the established ND staff vs a UT staff actually still in pricss of assembling is huge advantage ND.

Two, not one but 2 HT watch QB's vs a true Fr. QB in his 1st college start: huge advantage ND

Like ND stadium, at UT, losses in recent years past has resulted in the invincibility at home reputation.
Home field is still the usual home field advantage.

The game sets up as a game ND should win with emphasis; not a blow out but a emphatical W.

Anything else is a WTF happened, who spiked the cool aid question!

I expect the pom pom sunshine pumpers to put predictions where their pom poms are! no bed wetting at the 1st sight of opposition!

Perse I agree with everything you said but the new OC at Texas in no joke. He's implementing an offense that is run at every high school in Texas which let's freshman and sophs step into a familiar scheme and contribute from day 1. His offense last year ran about 83 plays a game. ND has to get off the field on defense or the heat will play a big role in wearing down the ND defense. ND should win convincingly but they need to get out of the gate early and get into those young guys heads. The longer the game is close, in my opinion the tougher it gets for the Irish.
If ND loses this game then the administration should dab on Kelly. This should be a walk in the park kinda game.
ND has had a full spring to review the new UT offense ( a Texas high school offense)
So the notion that a 1st year OC/Fr. QB/ a young untested OL, could out coach the veteran ND staff who enjoy a talent advantage is preposturous!
cvgr and other critical visitors will have field day if this game is lost or decided late!
They have a full spring to review the offense he ran at Tulsa not the offense he will run at UT necessarily. Reports from Austin and San Antonio have stated that Gilbert has the type of athletes at UT that can do things he couldn't do at previous places. I agree the longer this game is close the worse it is for ND. UT is young enough right now that if their confidence isn't smashed it can snowball. DKR will be rocking at night I can tell you that.
geez! daily reading of this board reaveals brash sunshine pumping, then all the talk of playoffs missed only a/c of misfortune and injury, all the talk of how the Head Coach is the greatest in the land, and how recruiting is at a great level and player development has a roster of future draft choices in contrast to a program emerging from near meltdown conditions, a total rebuild in process...blah blah AND now you guys are turning tail?

Have you guys been B.S. all along?
So saying UT has young talent and ND should put them away early is turning tail? Glad to see you haven't changed Perse, keeping yelling into the wind. @Bodizephax you wanted to know where I had been? Got bored here.
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well I am saying : hypocrits! hope the team has a more confident attitude.

I have great respect for UT's program, but there is noo way in hell Strong can overtake Kelly's program in just 2 chaotic seasons/classes! If so, then...?
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They have a full spring to review the offense he ran at Tulsa not the offense he will run at UT necessarily. Reports from Austin and San Antonio have stated that Gilbert has the type of athletes at UT that can do things he couldn't do at previous places. I agree the longer this game is close the worse it is for ND. UT is young enough right now that if their confidence isn't smashed it can snowball. DKR will be rocking at night I can tell you that.

We're the heck have you been?
well, the board has dipped into more of a 'fan club' than a forum. It is limited to usefullness for purposes of recruiting and that is mostly due to Cool9 and D_Master.
otherwise: toilet city and the mean girls.
So saying UT has young talent and ND should put them away early is turning tail? Glad to see you haven't changed Perse, keeping yelling into the wind. @Bodizephax you wanted to know where I had been? Got bored here.

It was boring but now that you and continually are back it should get wild--IrishJack will be here as usual after the season starts.
You think I went with an alias? Please name it.

I don't have to name it; but I do believe it. There are more aliases here than in the US penal system at tax time!

that is all I will say on the matter. Have a nice day and enjoy your fun with Bodi.
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Sure you don't have to but to make that claim at least have some proof or something that would make sense why. I left bc the information DMaster and Cool and some of the other give is accessible with the occasional drive by. To say I take sides is silly and shows how out of touch with reality you must be. I never took sides except when I stuck up for you but then I realized the reason you get so much shit is bc you insist on killing everyone's mood even when it's not necessary. If you really think you are getting bullied I am glad you don't hang out with middle school girls.
Sure you don't have to but to make that claim at least have some proof or something that would make sense why. I left bc the information DMaster and Cool and some of the other give is accessible with the occasional drive by. To say I take sides is silly and shows how out of touch with reality you must be. I never took sides except when I stuck up for you but then I realized the reason you get so much shit is bc you insist on killing everyone's mood even when it's not necessary. If you really think you are getting bullied I am glad you don't hang out with middle school girls.

SA Little -- now you know why I have fun with my boy purse ?? Guy is a toxic drone who if he had a smidgen of intellectual or emotion intelligence he would not stalk this board all day calling out any one who even hints at confronting his completely ill informed toxic nonsense .

His latest pearl is stating that the Texas game is a " make or break " game for Coach Kelly .

Again toxic delusion offered up by this damaged merchandise .
The Texas game is a very important game for Kelly this season. Make or Break? Naw, but if ND loses this one the season can go off the rails in a hurry.
The Texas game is a very important game for Kelly this season. Make or Break? Naw, but if ND loses this one the season can go off the rails in a hurry.

Given the nature of college football every game is critical . Setting up a make or break game scenario is Purse 27 K way of circling the wagon on Kelly out of his basement in Edison NJ .
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Given the nature of college football every game is critical . Setting up a make or break game scenario is Purse 27 K way of circling the wagon on Kelly out of his basement in Edison NJ .
Critical as well as make or break for ND playing as an independent with the stated goal of reaching the four team playoffs. More than one loss blows the goal out of the water, and so losing any game is a critical blow to the season, and even more so an early game they are favored to win. As such each and every game is critical and make or break.