Nothing concrete yet. My " guy" says 3 names under serious consideration.It's been pretty quiet. The only thing I've heard is the list is pretty long
Nothing concrete yet. My " guy" says 3 names under serious consideration.
That would be WattThey’ll go w/ whoever will take the smallest salary possible
"They’ll go w/ whoever will take the smallest salary possible"They’ll go w/ whoever will take the smallest salary possible
Your guy... lol. So you have sources but when everyone else does it was all made up and overblown... okayNothing concrete yet. My " guy" says 3 names under serious consideration.
Another name that has popped up is AJ Blazek at Vandy. He has a sneaky good resume"The Scoop" reports Matt Luke has interviewed. A very intriguing name. He walked away from coaching due to burnout and wanting to spend time with family. Really good move IF he is ready
Joe Rudolph seems to lead, Callahan is also in the mix. And Blazek has been mentioned, yes.