Domers should get a top 4 seed if you go undefeated because you would be defacto ACC champs.


Fighting Irish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2012
G5 is single A
ACC is double A
BIG12 is triple A

SEC and BIG10 are the major leagues
The crunch will be how many B1G teams make the playoff vs the SEC. Most forecasts have 5 SEC, 3 Big Ten. ND’s schedule is so soft they are almost guaranteed a berth and there doesn’t seem to be much hope for the Big XII or ACC runnerup. So will it be 5 SEC, 3 Big Ten or 4 SEC, 4 Big Ten?
So the Big 12 is now better than the ACC 🤣🤣

That's funny
I don't think that the expanded playoff is fair at all to any team outside the top 20ish in recruiting, specifically Big12 teams like KSU, TCU, BYU. They can win a game, possibly two, against an SEC champ because their starting team is just as capable. The mismatch is actually in the backups. Their 2nd string might be just as bad as anyone. Forcing them to play a 2nd season will wear down the teams that don't have the depth.
The crunch will be how many B1G teams make the playoff vs the SEC. Most forecasts have 5 SEC, 3 Big Ten. ND’s schedule is so soft they are almost guaranteed a berth and there doesn’t seem to be much hope for the Big XII or ACC runnerup. So will it be 5 SEC, 3 Big Ten or 4 SEC, 4 Big Ten?

The inveterate flamer with yet another flame.
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So the Big 12 is now better than the ACC 🤣🤣

That's funny

Average SP+ projections overall rating:
  • SEC: 16.7
  • BIG10: 10.0
  • BIG12: 6.6
  • ACC: 5.9
With that being said I'd revise my "levels" to
  • SEC: Major Leagues
  • BIG10: Triple A
  • BIG12 & ACC: Double A
  • G5: Single A
Average SP+ projections overall rating:
  • SEC: 16.7
  • BIG10: 10.0
  • BIG12: 6.6
  • ACC: 5.9
With that being said I'd revise my "levels" to
  • SEC: Major Leagues
  • BIG10: Triple A
  • BIG12 & ACC: Double A
  • G5: Single A

How many NCs does the ACC have in the
CFP era compared to the B12 and the B10 ?

How many NCs does the ACC have in the
CFP era compared to the B12 and the B10 ?
You have to evaluate the conference holistically .. you don't get a pass because you got one of the best teams in the country in your conference .. how competitive are the other 95% of the teams in your conference? These average SP+ projection ratings evaluates the conferences holistically
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You have to evaluate holistically .. you don't get a pass because you got one of the best teams in the country in your conference .. how competitive are the other 95% of the teams in your conference? These average SP+ projection ratings that im providing evaluates the conferences holistically
I don't care about their projections, that hasn't happened yet. It's unknown. It's a projection.

What has happened is 10 years of data in the CFP. So how many NCs has the ACC won compared to the B12 and the B10 ?

Those teams are part of the conference so yes they matter heavily. The ACC has 3 NCs from 2 different teams in the cfp era. That matters.

The ACC won more CFP NCs than the B12 and B10 combined
I don't care about their projections, that hasn't happened yet. It's unknown. It's a projection.

What has happened is 10 years of data in the CFP. So how many NCs has the ACC won compared to the B12 and the B10 ?

Those teams are part of the conference so yes they matter heavily. The ACC has 3 NCs from 2 different teams in the cfp era. That matters.

The ACC won more CFP NCs than the B12 and B10 combined
This is what the SP+ projections are doing. They are taking the last 3-5 years of the best predictive data in college football to evaluate EVERY SINGLE TEAM to determine how they stack up relative to one another in 2024. It takes into account 85 man roster (talent), returning production (whose coming back and what stats from last year are they bringing with them?), and program track record (how has your program performed over the last several years with recent seasons weighted heaviest). This provides the far more comprehensive picture in terms of sizing up the teams & conferences than whatever exercise you are attempting here.
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This is what the SP+ projections are doing. They are taking the last 3-5 years of the best predictive data in college football to evaluate EVERY SINGLE TEAM to determine how they stack up relative to one another in 2024. It takes into account 85 man roster (talent), returning players, and program track record. This provides the far more comprehensive picture in terms of sizing up the conferences than whatever exercise you are attempting here.
Yeah no one cares about their projection. Who cares. It's a projection. I could put my own out there and it probably would be more accurate.

You put the B12 ahead of the ACC which has 3 NCs to the B12s 0. You are clueless
I don't care about their projections, that hasn't happened yet. It's unknown. It's a projection.

What has happened is 10 years of data in the CFP. So how many NCs has the ACC won compared to the B12 and the B10 ?

Those teams are part of the conference so yes they matter heavily. The ACC has 3 NCs from 2 different teams in the cfp era. That matters.

The ACC won more CFP NCs than the B12 and B10 combined
ACC 3, B1G 2 in the last 20. In the last 10 it's 2 to 2.
In the last 12 it's ACC 3, Big 2. Not 10

Clemson 2, FSU 1

Big 12 still has zero
Also, the current Big12 has very little of a chance to win three playoff games, or four. As for the week to week grind I would say the Big12 was and still is the most upset heavy conference.
Also, the current Big12 has very little of a chance to win three playoff games, or four. As for the week to week grind I would say the Big12 was and still is the most upset heavy conference.
Big12 is a good conference top to bottom. Certainly not the SEC like good, but respectable.
SP+ simulations had a rough week zero.
After substantial consideration, it is my opinion that we should still play the games for at least one more year.

SP+ projections aren't simulations, it's a statistical system/mathematical model that tries to determine who the best and worst teams in college football are

The system isn't meant to get every single game right .. but on aggregate it's pretty accurate.

The best advanced ranking systems beat the spread on 55-60% of games (the last study I read years ago) and F+ was one of those advanced ranking systems that was at the top and surely has been tweaked/improved since then. And SP+ is one half of the F+ system.
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In the last 12 it's ACC 3, Big 2. Not 10

Clemson 2, FSU 1

Big 12 still has zero
I did not count FSU's, because it was in 2013... which is 11 years ago. I clearly said in the last 10 and you clearly said 10 years, it's 2 to 2. I'm just stating facts to your original question. I could care less about your debate.
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I did not count FSU's, because it was in 2013... which is 11 years ago. I clearly said in the last 10 and you clearly said 10 years, it's 2 to 2. I'm just stating facts to your original question. I could care less about your debate.
10 or 11 come on lol. It's 3 to 2 in 11 years then 🤣

ACC is still up
I am not really excited about a playoff berth. Teams like what we saw tonight should be added to a playoff to fill slots?
I am not really excited about a playoff berth. Teams like what we saw tonight should be added to a playoff to fill slots?
Oregon beat Idaho by 10 points. Alabama last year needed a miracle to beat Auburn and escaped South Florida. I can go on and on with examples.

Just win. And it’s not like ND got super lucky. Lots of bad breaks and the offensive line didn’t play great. A weaker O line against a stout D line and the offense still pumped out 5.8 yards per carry.

Great win. Lots to like.
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Oregon beat Idaho by 10 points. Alabama last year needed a miracle to beat Auburn and escaped South Florida. I can go on and on with examples.

Just win. And it’s not like ND got super lucky. Lots of bad breaks and the offensive line didn’t play great. A weaker O line against a stout D line and the offense still pumped out 5.8 yards per carry.

Great win. Lots to like.
None of those examples made people doubt their ability to play football. However, ND last night missed wide open receivers, couldn't hold blocks, and made completely predictable play calls. It is doubtful that all of these flaws can be attributed to one bad game.
None of those examples made people doubt their ability to play football. However, ND last night missed wide open receivers, couldn't hold blocks, and made completely predictable play calls. It is doubtful that all of these flaws can be attributed to one bad game.
First game on the road in a hostile environment. The offense will improve this year. Think of it this way, the offensive line almost doubled their career starts as a unit last night haha.

That was one of those games it felt like we were going to let slip away and we got it done. The defense is elite. You’re always going to have things to work on after week 1, it’s much better doing that when you’re 1-0.
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None of those examples made people doubt their ability to play football. However, ND last night missed wide open receivers, couldn't hold blocks, and made completely predictable play calls. It is doubtful that all of these flaws can be attributed to one bad game.
How did these teams end up in close games? Probably by missing receivers, blocks, etc.

Alabama had close wins in their last three games against A&M. Two of the last three against Auburn.
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None of those examples made people doubt their ability to play football. However, ND last night missed wide open receivers, couldn't hold blocks, and made completely predictable play calls. It is doubtful that all of these flaws can be attributed to one bad game.
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G5 is single A
ACC is double A
BIG12 is triple A

SEC and BIG10 are the major leagues
😂 You are the biggest clown on this forum.

SEC went 2-2 in their matchups against other P4 teams, and the BIG10 went 1-1.
How did these teams end up in close games? Probably by missing receivers, blocks, etc.

Alabama had close wins in their last three games against A&M. Two of the last three against Auburn.
Tom Rees ladies and gentlemen, but we went right back to that Brian Kelly coaching shrub.