The sad thing is these uninformed masses who have never boxed or wrestled/grappled or performed any form of mixed martial arts are bringing these idiotic conversations up.
Boxing is NOT fighting. In boxing, Conor is great, not elite. Just as he's not elite in wrestling, jiu jitsu, or muay thai. The best wrestlers in the world would kill Conor... in WRESTLING. In boxing, the best would beat Conor. In fighting, Conor is the best because he is better at all of those sports combined than anyone else in the world. Floyd competing against Conor in mma would be like the best baseball star running head first into an angry JJ Watt and thinking he'd win because he's good at swinging a bat. Or JJ Watt Standing at the plate against the worlds best pitcher and thinking he'd hit a home run because of his tackling skills.
This comparison is bs and represents ignorance. Anyone with half knowledge of mma would tell you that. Conor might be arrogant and disliked by a lot of people, but he's the greatest fighter in the world at his weight. I'm sick of the old world considering boxing a fight.
Conor vs Mayweather in mma would go something like this:
1. Lots of buildup
2. Lots of laughs by all mma people
3. a bloody torture, where Conor made it clear that he could paralyze Floyd if he wanted to.
4. If Floyd lasted more than 30 seconds in the Octagon it would be because he ran and had to be chased down and submitted.
I assume in boxing, Conor would hold his own for a bit, but would lose badly.
Personally, I thought the Rousey vs Mayweather talk was ridiculous, but at least I could see the entertainment in that. Mayweather vs Conor would be like watching a bad car accident.