A question for Coach D / Mods (or anyone who knows something about this). How hard is it to really gain a lot of info on prospects via their HS film? I get there are some guys who just jump out at you - but as a whole, most film (to me) is really hard to decipher. Obviously I am anything but an expert, but having watched as much football as I have in my life I would think more would stand out to me. As a whole, it seems like the competition is tough to judge, the film is rarely tight enough to get good looks at a lot of specifics, etc.
Would love to get your thoughts on some of the things you look for at key positions (your choice as I get you won't want to touch on all of them). What makes a player stand out that you can see on standard HS film?
Thank you!
Would love to get your thoughts on some of the things you look for at key positions (your choice as I get you won't want to touch on all of them). What makes a player stand out that you can see on standard HS film?
Thank you!