CBS Expert Picks

4-2 in favor of ND

Surprised anyone would pick against ND, straight up (not against the spread)

QB, OL, and DL all seem like disasters for them.
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This game will be decided by turnovers......defense.....QB's.....and first game poise. Just DO It Irish!!!!

Beat texas!!!
Unless there is a clear mismatch , first games are difficult to pick. Texas has talent. No one really knows until the players play. Everything else is just guessing. Hopefully the Irish come out with a win.
No chance Perse,

I been saying that, but the resident 'pom pom' girls are starting to 'wet the bed' in night terrors over upstart UT, who has suddenly morphed back into a major football power in mist of a necessary total rebuild.

ND just has better skill players, a better OL and better RB; and is generally a far more experienced roster.
Defensively UT has talent, and that talent will develop into a very good defense as the season progresses; but at this point the ND D is at least temporarily as good
The ND offensive edge is significant enough to make 'the difference' even if the D's nullify each other.

A ND loss would be a shocker! And it would be a huge blow to any hopes/discussions of playoff contention or even a major type bowl. But, this can be said about any of the teams on the ND schedule that ND 'should beat'. Any upset - upsets post season hopes.

JMO: based on recruiting, 2016 is Kelly's best shot at a playoff spot of the years 2016-2018.
Now or ?
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I been saying that, but the resident 'pom pom' girls are starting to 'wet the bed' in night terrors over upstart UT, who has suddenly morphed back into a major football power in mist of a necessary total rebuild.
Pers--what is your ND-Texas prediction for Sunday?
my expectation was originally a ND win in order of 30ish to like 17 in that range.

but the game may be a higher scoring contest but still ND by 13-17. A ND win by 30 would not surprise either. UT is just not there yet. If this was the 10th game of the season, different story.

Don't buy into the bed wet crowd. They talk of great recruiting, great player development, great coaching; but if that is so then expect evidence of it. Are they just blowing smoke up our butts? Are they hypocrits? Do they believe their own words? My pet phrase 'evidence demands verdict' (From Josh McDowell).
Winning=evidence: message board bravado and banter will not overcome results. Remember that as an independant ND's stated mission statement: a National Championship. Now, Play Like a Champion!

but heck, predicting a "W" is now percieved as 'obnoxious', guess habitual losing has bred a new type of fan.
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4-2 in favor of ND

Surprised anyone would pick against ND, straight up (not against the spread)

QB, OL, and DL all seem like disasters for them.

You did a lot of gum bumping on Orangebloods. Your fake facts did not hold up. I tried to tell ya, but you could not let go of last year. Hookem!