Can someone her please tell me what makes this guy a good coach


Posts Like A Champion
Gold Member
Jan 19, 2015
Please ****ing do it? Dumb as **** mother ****er decides to play it safe with the last drive. Really Kelly, you would have lost in regular time if it wasnt for a couple penalties.
He tried to run the clock out with 7 minutes to go. He had the momentum and the hot QB and served the game on a silver platter to Texas.
He just signed an extension. He is bullet proof. That makes him good.... VERY GOOD. Many more years of BK and his hand picked guy BVG. Lots of fun, exciting games for us all to look foward to for years and years to come.
He just signed an extension. He is bullet proof. That makes him good.... VERY GOOD. Many more years of BK and his hand picked guy BVG. Lots of fun, exciting games for us all to look foward to for years and years to come.
Replay of fat Charlie situation
It only will cost ND $10M to get out of the contract. I do not think I can take another coach at ND that gives games away.
Only worse. We are now in year 7 of this mess. With a brand new extension. Many more exciting seasons to follow thanks to that. Really tough slate next year. Should be a blast.
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I believe notre dame's endowment fund has exceeded 2 billion dollars-- not a lot compared to the Ivy League or Stanford-- but enough to cover a coach's buyout.

My error, endowment fund now over 9 billion
Replay of fat Charlie situation
No. Charlie thought defense was an inconvenience.

Kelly recruits for it but is too ****ing sentimental to show BVG the door.

I called this last year. BVG will sink Kelly's ship. Mark my words.
Yeah, it seems we have a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY polite coach. Start a freshman QB...bring in 5 new coaches...I'll take a loss for you. Give me Nick Saban or any other coach that smells blood. BK disgusts me right now!
At least Kelly isn't ready to call Kizer the starter. Let em battle it out in practice this week. Shrewd.
Only worse. We are now in year 7 of this mess. With a brand new extension. Many more exciting seasons to follow thanks to that. Really tough slate next year. Should be a blast.
At least Kelly isn't ready to call Kizer the starter. Let em battle it out in practice this week. Shrewd.

Purse, did you really have to create another handle to post more? Get a life wacko!:confused:
Please ****ing do it? Dumb as **** mother ****er decides to play it safe with the last drive. Really Kelly, you would have lost in regular time if it wasnt for a couple penalties.

Been saying it. A great coach at a lower level doesn't mean you're a great D1 coach. See Gerry Faust. Brian KeLLLy is weak.
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I have been a Notre Dame fan all my life. The first game I remember on TV was Notre Dame Oklahoma in 1957. I was 10 years old. When we lost Lou Holtz its been down hill ever since.
He's teams seldom quit fighting. With the exception of the USC game in L.A. back in 2014, they fight until the end. Unlike many fans here who cry like sniveling quitters whenever the lads don't bring home a victory. I sure would hate to play a game of football with you babies standing shoulder to shoulder with me. You'd want to fold the tents after surrendering the first score. No wonder fans from other teams don't like or respect us (fans). We can dish it out but can't take it. GIVE ME A BREAK. Either support the lads or go become Alabama fans; I hear they win a lot of games and championships.
And you know what I think about you comment Go to Hell!!!
He's teams seldom quit fighting. With the exception of the USC game in L.A. back in 2014, they fight until the end. Unlike many fans here who cry like sniveling quitters whenever the lads don't bring home a victory. I sure would hate to play a game of football with you babies standing shoulder to shoulder with me. You'd want to fold the tents after surrendering the first score. GIVE ME A BREAK. Either support the lads or go become Alabama fans; I hear they win a lot of games and championships.
I do agree with this, they almost never just lay down. That said BK has become a coach that far too many times plays not to lose rather than win. I think the Tulsa game changed BK from a gambler to someone that is extremely risk adverse.

That said BK's biggest error this season was failure was not firing BVG. Anyone who thought he was a good CFB DC was just kidding themselves.
The truth stings, doesn't it!

I'm 69 years old witch means I have been a fan for 59 years. In my younger years year I would come to blows with anyone who talked crap about ND. Trouble with Forum boards is you can't see or know what a person has been though. If you said become Alabama fan In my 20s or 30s you would have suffered a busted jaw.
He's teams seldom quit fighting. With the exception of the USC game in L.A. back in 2014, they fight until the end. Unlike many fans here who cry like sniveling quitters whenever the lads don't bring home a victory. I sure would hate to play a game of football with you babies standing shoulder to shoulder with me. You'd want to fold the tents after surrendering the first score. GIVE ME A BREAK. Either support the lads or go become Alabama fans; I hear they win a lot of games and championships.

agree with you 100%! It is also hilarious when you see people who have no clue still saying 'let's get Meyer or Saban' :D such ignorance.
I do agree with this, they almost never just lay down. That said BK has become a coach that far too many times plays not to lose rather than win. I think the Tulsa game changed BK from a gambler to someone that is extremely risk adverse.

That said BK's biggest error this season was failure was not firing BVG. Anyone who thought he was a good CFB DC was just kidding themselves.

this will be remembered as his SDSU moment: for fans, "the truth will set you free".
it is what it is and has been. Time to start crunching the numbers.
I do agree with this, they almost never just lay down. That said BK has become a coach that far too many times plays not to lose rather than win. I think the Tulsa game changed BK from a gambler to someone that is extremely risk adverse.

That said BK's biggest error this season was failure was not firing BVG. Anyone who thought he was a good CFB DC was just kidding themselves.

Yeah I remember everyone laughing and talking smack on the main board when Alabama and that fool Nick Saban hired Lane Kiffen... I guess talent makes a difference, or maybe not in your mind? ;)
Yeah I remember everyone laughing and talking smack on the main board when Alabama and that fool Nick Saban hired Lane Kiffen... I guess talent makes a difference, or maybe not in your mind? ;)
What are you talking about? Kiffen is a terrible HC but was a great OC.

I think I get it now, you are one of those that thinks any old coach will do if you just give him great talent. Problem is history proves that wrong. Bama probably is having one of the greatest runs in CFB history because they have been great in 2 areas.. getting talent and coaching. One without the other is useless
The Houston coach is waiting for a call - look at his overall program - not even close to ND in the recruiting wars.
He tried to run the clock out with 7 minutes to go. He had the momentum and the hot QB and served the game on a silver platter to Texas.

The last two times we got the ball, I thought we would take it down field and score to put the game away, but guess what? You have a new line with three starters and a whole roster of new receivers, playing at the end without the only guy with experience. Like it or not, with most teams it takes time to gel. That, plus the fact that a pretty obvious targeting call wasn't made cost us offensively.

But the real reason we lost is because our defense is atrocious. Anyone who thought we'd be good on defense this season with this coach and these players is dreaming. I certainly didn't think we'd be this awful, though.
to the OP

that crowd that will try to put sun glasses on this pig, will arrive in short order!

(they had a looong night...formulating the 'spin')

buckle up!
Wow! In the off-season there were numerous threads and many posters touting Kelly as a for sure Top 5 coach only surpassed by Meyer and Saban. One poster even stated numerous times that Kelly was the Top Division 1 coach in the country. Huh?
Wow! In the off-season there were numerous threads and many posters touting Kelly as a for sure Top 5 coach only surpassed by Meyer and Saban. One poster even stated numerous times that Kelly was the Top Division 1 coach in the country. Huh?

Oh look. Its the hypocrite nole here. Have you officially come out? Just post the same garbage with your other handle. Its clear who you are hypocrite.
What am I going to do with all those "Coach 8 & 4" tee-shirts if they go 7 & 5?

He is what he's been - time to let the truth set you free!
everyone has some inherent upper bound to their ability.
Saying a guy is great, does not 'make it so' like on Star Trek.

I think the best description: wysiwyg.
If ND administration was serious about winning they a would;

1) go after Shaw. Make him the highest paid coach in CFB. Give him the one of the biggest budgets for assistants. If that doesn't work go get Fitzgerald. Money talks and there is a good chance Shaw would come for that kind of money.
2) Give him 2 academic exceptions each recruiting class.
3) Increase the academic support staff so that the players have the best academic support in college football. Professionals that help and monitor all of the players.
4) Do not require a full class schedule in the fall they can make up the classes in the spring and/or summer.

I doubt they'll do anything because the money is just flowing in and all they have to do is win 8 games.
Its official bk blows, been saying it for years. Good recruiter but can't coach for shit. Mediocre
Well put. Worst gm coach . Never adjusts. Arrogant. Never accepts or admits mistakes . Only justifies them bc he knows more than we do. It's a broken record. Good recruiter / lousy game coach. Overall sub par when you view in context of being in yr 7. Worst D coordinator in CFB. Lousy strength and conditioning program. Not Good!!!