Cam McDaniel comments on players arrested


Posts Like A Champion
Feb 4, 2003
Well said .... Go Irish!

I've been asked about the situation regarding #notredame football players who were involved in the recent events that have made headlines over the past couple of days ... It is indeed, unfortunate, to say the least. And, I can assure you the young men who were involved in these events now understand, more than ANYONE, the ramifications of those actions taken place. My thoughts and prayers go out to these men, who are also my former teammates, and my friends. With that being said, I urge you (especially #ND) do not give into the temptation of using your social media platform to bash my former teammates and friends. Jesus told the crowd that those without sin could cast the first stone (John 8). Now, more than ever, these young men need your love and support. Their discipline will come from those that do the disciplining. Times like these can cause the most beautiful life transformations (@wmahone)or the ugliest dips into rock bottom. Remember, these are 18-21yr. olds who have a long life ahead of them! Future husbands and fathers... You know? Stuff a little more important than your expectations for this years college football season. Lay down your pride... Lay down your stone. #mercytriumpsoverjudgement#lovethee#notredame#perspective"
Exactly.....I am all for punishment but it amazes me the people on this board who want to hang everyone for their errors in judgement ..this is a Catholic University after all.
Well said .... Go Irish!

I've been asked about the situation regarding #notredame football players who were involved in the recent events that have made headlines over the past couple of days ... It is indeed, unfortunate, to say the least. And, I can assure you the young men who were involved in these events now understand, more than ANYONE, the ramifications of those actions taken place. My thoughts and prayers go out to these men, who are also my former teammates, and my friends. With that being said, I urge you (especially #ND) do not give into the temptation of using your social media platform to bash my former teammates and friends. Jesus told the crowd that those without sin could cast the first stone (John 8). Now, more than ever, these young men need your love and support. Their discipline will come from those that do the disciplining. Times like these can cause the most beautiful life transformations (@wmahone)or the ugliest dips into rock bottom. Remember, these are 18-21yr. olds who have a long life ahead of them! Future husbands and fathers... You know? Stuff a little more important than your expectations for this years college football season. Lay down your pride... Lay down your stone. #mercytriumpsoverjudgement#lovethee#notredame#perspective"

Wow, so well said. Guy is a one of kind strong character who is the best of ND
In terms of Redfield and maybe others it is most likely not a 1 time mistake. I think what some posters are feeling including myself are extreme dismay at knowing that some of these ND athletes live lives contrary to what is good. There is a difference between a 1 time mistake or transgression versus this other lifestyle that most posters consider questions of morality.
Well said .... Go Irish!

I've been asked about the situation regarding #notredame football players who were involved in the recent events that have made headlines over the past couple of days ... It is indeed, unfortunate, to say the least. And, I can assure you the young men who were involved in these events now understand, more than ANYONE, the ramifications of those actions taken place. My thoughts and prayers go out to these men, who are also my former teammates, and my friends. With that being said, I urge you (especially #ND) do not give into the temptation of using your social media platform to bash my former teammates and friends. Jesus told the crowd that those without sin could cast the first stone (John 8). Now, more than ever, these young men need your love and support. Their discipline will come from those that do the disciplining. Times like these can cause the most beautiful life transformations (@wmahone)or the ugliest dips into rock bottom. Remember, these are 18-21yr. olds who have a long life ahead of them! Future husbands and fathers... You know? Stuff a little more important than your expectations for this years college football season. Lay down your pride... Lay down your stone. #mercytriumpsoverjudgement#lovethee#notredame#perspective"

Might we also try to remember that this applies to other schools' and their athletes indiscretions too.
Well said .... Go Irish!

I've been asked about the situation regarding #notredame football players who were involved in the recent events that have made headlines over the past couple of days ... It is indeed, unfortunate, to say the least. And, I can assure you the young men who were involved in these events now understand, more than ANYONE, the ramifications of those actions taken place. My thoughts and prayers go out to these men, who are also my former teammates, and my friends. With that being said, I urge you (especially #ND) do not give into the temptation of using your social media platform to bash my former teammates and friends. Jesus told the crowd that those without sin could cast the first stone (John 8). Now, more than ever, these young men need your love and support. Their discipline will come from those that do the disciplining. Times like these can cause the most beautiful life transformations (@wmahone)or the ugliest dips into rock bottom. Remember, these are 18-21yr. olds who have a long life ahead of them! Future husbands and fathers... You know? Stuff a little more important than your expectations for this years college football season. Lay down your pride... Lay down your stone. #mercytriumpsoverjudgement#lovethee#notredame#perspective"

I can forgive all those who got suspended this weekend but I am still pissed at Cam for his fumble he had against Northwestern that pretty much cost us the game.:)
Jason Dorow: Lucky for me, this was the one game last year that I attended as a fan, and a bunch of my friends made the trek to South Bend for the game too. From yelling "GO CATS" into the mic -- and dropping said mic -- at an ND karaoke party the night before to singing the fight song with the players after the game, it was an incredible weekend. The moment that still sticks out is when Cam McDaniel fumbled with about 1:30 left in regulation. I was amazed Kelly didn't decide to take a knee.:mad:
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Sorry, but no. I appreciate where Cam is coming from because they are his friends, but in the real world, no sympathy from me.

Does anyone over the age of 8 really need to be told that driving around with weed and illegal guns is a bad idea? That's not a lapse in judgement. That's openly not caring about laws, rules, your career, your education or your teammates. It's egregious to the point that there is no excuse and they are not owed any amount of support from anyone.

And let's be very real. If these guys were in the band and expelled from school, no one would care or be "supporting them".
Sorry, but no. I appreciate where Cam is coming from because they are his friends, but in the real world, no sympathy from me.

Does anyone over the age of 8 really need to be told that driving around with weed and illegal guns is a bad idea? That's not a lapse in judgement. That's openly not caring about laws, rules, your career, your education or your teammates. It's egregious to the point that there is no excuse and they are not owed any amount of support from anyone.

And let's be very real. If these guys were in the band and expelled from school, no one would care or be "supporting them".

I don't think the point is to give a pass or try to imply that this wasn't a dumb move .... just simply that there is no need to kick a guy while he is down .... supporting a person who is in trouble doesn't have to mean that you support their actions .... rather that you wish them well in any effort to get their lives back on track

I'd like to think people can be supportive of anyone in need .... even if you are in the band .... that just won't make the news
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I think we need to get the NRA involved in the defense of these guys -- after all everyone needs to protect themselves -- wild wild west baby !!

For those that question weather that comment is sarcasm rest assured it is .
Cam is a wise young man. I agree with him.

Give these guys (or most of them) a second chance. That second chance should include tough requirements. If they are not up to it, they should be gone. But if they take care of business, they will have a great future. I think the other players would benefit from watching them work through the requirements to stay in school.
The ND Six totally embarrassed the university and the program. Through their selfish behavior , they have taken the focus away from Texas preparation and the spotlight now shines on them. As a regular fan, I don't think it's up to me to forgive or forget. Rather, it's the student body, team members, alumni, and former players who have to do the forgiving or not. They are the ones who have blood, sweat, and tears invested into the university and the program, so I defer to them.
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so this board has this praise for Cams tweet and then this board has a call for draconian punishment.
And by many of the same posters? Yep.
i'll be glad when the season starts and this starts to go away if were winning a lot because people at work all know i'm an irish fan because of my irish hats I wear to work and I've had so many people all day including non sports fans come up to me and ask me about what's going on with all of these nd players that they heard about or seen all over the news. then I've had two Michigan fans also at work including one being a manager make fun of our irish all day because of these players getting into trouble