Butler issue needs to be thoroughly investigated -


ND Expert
Jun 25, 2013
The Butler issue needs to be investigated as to - was he really resisting arrest ? - was he being treated or questioned by over anxious police ? The police these days do not have an easy job - they are all on edge and rightfully so w/ what has taken place all across the country.

Sure hope it is a case of miss communication and over reaction - probably on both sides -

Would like to hear from some that were at the linebacker about how this happened and played out and if Devin was really out of line or were the police being out of line ?

(Maybe I missed what he was being arrested for in the first place ? I've been too the Line backer a few times - it is a pretty harmless place - would like to know what Devin did to be arrested ?)
My parents would have agreed with you. I worked my way through undergraduate days as a bouncer and some guys don't know when to shut up or sit down. "Whiskey muscles" we used to call it.
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As they did, Butler shoved one of the women, Cotter said. Pickard grabbed Butler, pushed him away from the woman and order him to say back. Instead, Butler swore at the officers and approached them, so Pickard and Knepper tried to detain the 6-foot, 200-pound football player, ensuing in a struggle between Butler and Knepper, Cotter said.

Butler picked the officer up, tackled him to the ground and struck Knepper in the side and stomach, the affidavit said. Butler ripped the officer's duty belt off of him, leading Knepper to strike Butler and use a stun gun on him. The struggle ended when other officers were able to pull Butler off of Knepper and detain the football player.
As they did, Butler shoved one of the women, Cotter said. Pickard grabbed Butler, pushed him away from the woman and order him to say back. Instead, Butler swore at the officers and approached them, so Pickard and Knepper tried to detain the 6-foot, 200-pound football player, ensuing in a struggle between Butler and Knepper, Cotter said.

Butler picked the officer up, tackled him to the ground and struck Knepper in the side and stomach, the affidavit said. Butler ripped the officer's duty belt off of him, leading Knepper to strike Butler and use a stun gun on him. The struggle ended when other officers were able to pull Butler off of Knepper and detain the football player.

Grotto - Thanks for the clarity - I did not know what transpired - The Butler did it - he is gone - end of story
With Police, its easy...yes sir, no sir, yes sir and move on....its not that hard....they have a tough job...they can have a power complex...they have a with it in courts later if its unnecessary....

Ding! We have a winner! If he actually tackled a cop as has been reported, he is lucky to still be alive.
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I stand by my theory that nothing good happens after midnight.

I agree and "being young" shouldn't be used to excuse this type of behavior. I mean... FFS! We're talking about people who use need to be in perfect shape and condition. Weed and booze doesn't help in doing that.
I am skeptical of the report. As a former criminal defense attorney, I have never seen an officer decline to charge someone with battery on a female for pushing a female because she left the scene when the officer supposedly WITNESSED it. You do not need the victim's cooperation of an officer personally observer the battery to file, much less for an officer to book him on that charge. Charges of resisting arrest and battery on a Leo Without an underlying charge are a major red flag. A major red flag. 95/100 it means the officer is playing fast and loose with the facts.
I am skeptical of the report. As a former criminal defense attorney, I have never seen an officer decline to charge someone with battery on a female for pushing a female because she left the scene when the officer supposedly WITNESSED it. You do not need the victim's cooperation of an officer personally observer the battery to file, much less for an officer to book him on that charge. Charges of resisting arrest and battery on a Leo Without an underlying charge are a major red flag. A major red flag. 95/100 it means the officer is playing fast and loose with the facts.

As a former defense attorney, I'm sure you'd also not rely on superficial reports seen thus far.
There are eye witnesses that dispute that whole report. I believe there was something on NDNation from someone that was actually there.
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It's really a moot point with Butler. He could spend the rest of his career on the bench anyway. There are too many freshman who are more talented. He and Ashton White are special team players and they are both replaceable. Who really cares what the outcome is with him?
yeah a well respected poster on another board who has inside info on the situation is also saying that things didn't happen the way it was first reported and that butler may not be in as much trouble as first believed. if the story of witness accounts fron ndnation are true with this then the girlfriend should have been arrested and not butler. the police will have some explaining to do if this new story is right
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It's really a moot point with Butler. He could spend the rest of his career on the bench anyway. There are too many freshman who are more talented. He and Ashton White are special team players and they are both replaceable. Who really cares what the outcome is with him?
Are you kidding?
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Now we are relying on inside info from posters who said they were there. The Linebacker should be equipped with inside security cameras. If John Dalton was working that night, non of this would have escalated to the point of the police being summoned.
Now we are relying on inside info from posters who said they were there. The Linebacker should be equipped with inside security cameras. If John Dalton was working that night, non of this would have escalated to the point of the police being summoned.
Are you kidding?

No. I am not kidding. Butler will get off easy since it is his 1st offense and he will have a lawyer and he is a ND player. On Butlers best day he is above average. Above average doesn't win championships. It is a waste of time worrying about his ordeal. There is always some loophole in the law just ask James Winston.
I think all that really matters is whether or not the police are white. This way, the Sharpton crowd can get involved and the actual facts won't matter. It's just racially-motivated police brutality being covered up. The gun was also obviously planted in the car too.

It fits their narrative perfectly: a lily-white university & police force unjustly framing and suspending black players, when they didn't suspend a white QB (Rees) who committed a similar offense a couple years before, no?
Just chill Huddle. The court system was lenient on Rees and paved the way for his return. Kelly and the University have suspended Butler indefinitely obviously waiting for the legal process to sort this out. Everyone has the right to due process. No need to over react. What Rees did and what Butler did may fall into a similar category but the facts are not identical so the outcome is not clear yet. This was his first offense as far as anyone knows which can be helpful. This is not a racially charged situation so there is no need to blow this up.
What a sorry turn of events for Butler. One thing's for certain - none of this would've probably happened if he'd been sober.
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Just chill Huddle. The court system was lenient on Rees and paved the way for his return. Kelly and the University have suspended Butler indefinitely obviously waiting for the legal process to sort this out. Everyone has the right to due process. No need to over react. What Rees did and what Butler did may fall into a similar category but the facts are not identical so the outcome is not clear yet. This was his first offense as far as anyone knows which can be helpful. This is not a racially charged situation so there is no need to blow this up.
Similar but not really.

If the officers version of the story turns out to be 100% true, Butler playing football again will be the least of his worries. He may be doing some jail time. You don't tackle and strike a police officer, then get tasered, and get away scott-free. Jail aside, he's probably done at Notre Dame.
Again I ask, no one took a cell phone video of the incident at the bar? Young people live for that kind of stuff. A crowded bar and no one had a cell phone. Weird weird stuff.
I am skeptical of the report. As a former criminal defense attorney, I have never seen an officer decline to charge someone with battery on a female for pushing a female because she left the scene when the officer supposedly WITNESSED it. You do not need the victim's cooperation of an officer personally observer the battery to file, much less for an officer to book him on that charge. Charges of resisting arrest and battery on a Leo Without an underlying charge are a major red flag. A major red flag. 95/100 it means the officer is playing fast and loose with the facts.
I don't know this for a fact ,but I do have a brother in law that works closely with the SBPD and he said that those officers have quite a history to reckless behavior. Also my brother in law dislikes ND (go figure a catholic polish man) so there is no bias for ND there. I'm not absolving Butler, but I'm sure there's more than what's stated in the report. I hope there were cameras that can be FOIA'd.
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I wonder why anyone would want to be a policeman today. You get shot at by bad guys then critiqued by a bunch of speculators who weren't even there. God Bless our police officers. I teach my kids to be respectful to everyone but especially the police - yes sir no sir is a good approach.
No. I am not kidding. Butler will get off easy since it is his 1st offense and he will have a lawyer and he is a ND player. On Butlers best day he is above average. Above average doesn't win championships. It is a waste of time worrying about his ordeal. There is always some loophole in the law just ask James Winston.

Geez. How many user names do you have?