Been there........

BGI User 348

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
Sadly anyone involved with young "men" know that we/they make BIG mistakes. I saw it as a young soph in HS when seniors were dismissed for drinking......then in college when key players were out with RUTGERS coeds the night before an away game & got caught.......then as a coach with a "knife" in a HS locker room, and alcohol, and grades........Been There, Done that. It will NEVER stop. Not even at ND.

None of that justifies anything. Each incident is separate from the other and each incident involved differing people. I am wondering if there are any real team leaders on this Irish team? If so, was there a discussion by the team leaders about behavior while the players enjoyed an off weekend or is this going to be another "circle the wagons", us against them, moment?
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Sadly anyone involved with young "men" know that we/they make BIG mistakes. I saw it as a young soph in HS when seniors were dismissed for drinking......then in college when key players were out with RUTGERS coeds the night before an away game & got caught.......then as a coach with a "knife" in a HS locker room, and alcohol, and grades........Been There, Done that. It will NEVER stop. Not even at ND.


I agree with this. Kids are going to stupid things no matter what they are told. With that said , there has to be a price paid. To many times the " adults" in charge make all kinds of excuses. Upbringing, social stress, school issues and poor enviorment. On and on and on it goes. Here's a news flash for any and all excuses. They know right from wrong. They chose to do the wrong thing. End of story! Time to pay the piper. The bad part of this is that many are affected. We all know the players that were involved were affected. But think about who else is affected. The team, coaches and the families. The players need to know that their actions have a domino affect. If they thought of that before going out, maybe they would have not done such a stupid stupid thing. Our society has bought into the " if it feels good" what's the harm? We need to get back to, " no shortcuts". You get what you get. Do what's right and you can live with yourself. Do wrong, and concenquences will be paid.
Just to EVERY incident players were suspended..........including by me as the Coach. Yep......actions HAVE consequences!

RKG's still wanted!!!
None of that justifies anything. Each incident is separate from the other and each incident involved differing people. I am wondering if there are any real team leaders on this Irish team? If so, was there a discussion by the team leaders about behavior while the players enjoyed an off weekend or is this going to be another "circle the wagons", us against them, moment?
The " speech " is pretty much the standard everywhere and repeated ad nauseum all year long. Doesn't matter. Most young people think they are untouchable. Bad decision making everywhere not just by athletes . i've been to 4 funerals in the last 6 years of young people who made really bad choices. Sad state of affairs.
The " speech " is pretty much the standard everywhere and repeated ad nauseum all year long. Doesn't matter. Most young people think they are untouchable. Bad decision making everywhere not just by athletes . i've been to 4 funerals in the last 6 years of young people who made really bad choices. Sad state of affairs.

Very good thought on the subject echo. Great insight. Thanks for sharing.
None of that justifies anything. Each incident is separate from the other and each incident involved differing people. I am wondering if there are any real team leaders on this Irish team? If so, was there a discussion by the team leaders about behavior while the players enjoyed an off weekend or is this going to be another "circle the wagons", us against them, moment?
You can have the greatest team leaders of all time. But behavior like this from kids...and they are still kids regardless of 18 or not...comes from the top down. Meaning the parenting or lack there of always wins out on these immature young men.
You can have the greatest team leaders of all time. But behavior like this from kids...and they are still kids regardless of 18 or not...comes from the top down. Meaning the parenting or lack there of always wins out on these immature young men.

Absolutely. Regardless of race, the lack of adult leadership in the home is a great predictor of success or lack thereof. When expectations for behavior are set low, that's what you get.

When we have parents (whether married or not) that care and expect good behavior and grades, etc. Good things happen. Not always, but often. Not sure what kind of leadership these guys had, but obviously they weren't good citizens that night.

Should they be given a break? I hope the situation unfolds in such a way that they can be shown leniency. Sooner or later though, kids have to learn to respect rules and authority.
never been there; incredibly enough, I have never seen, solicited nor even been offered an illegal drug; that includes Grass! and Newark, NJ was a place where I spent considerable time.