3 of my thoughts that could use 3 of your thoughts


I've posted how many times?
Aug 24, 2003
1- Emmett Mosley - a ND legacy - signed with Stanford say 2 years ago despite both his parents meeting at and attending ND. I don’t think ND pushed for the kid. His younger brother, Trent, is a wr this 2026 cycle. Will Trent have any interest in ND and ND in him?

2- Riley Leonard wins first place at the annual Manning “Air It Out” competition. This is great news as he appears very healthy and beat out many starting QBs including all the major schools - Thoughts?

3 - All the QBs at the Manning event were starters at their school. However, the starter at Missouri was joined by Drew Pyne who transferred over and is going to be the back up
I wonder how that happened? How does Missouri send 2 guys. Seems awkward Maybe mizzoo coach threw Pyne a bone n let him go also ? Still awkward considering the starter at mizoo has been there 3 years
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Emmitt visited ND twice, so there was definite interest. But, he really focused on the West coast…Washington, Oregon, USC and Stanford. He’s a Calif kid and seemed to want to stay on the west coast, and glad he chose Stanford where he’ll get a great degree. If I can only have one of the brothers, I’ll take Trent every time and hope we go after him. But he may have a west coast bias, or prefer to blaze his own path.

Watched some clips of Riley at the Manning QB competition, and he was throwing accurate darts all over the place. For someone so frequently criticized for lack of accuracy, it was encouraging to see. Might not portend anything, but I was encouraged.