What would Father Hesburgh have done?

This perfectly describes what this is all about. I'd only add that the colleges, who gleefully collect the absorbent tuition to enable and sustain professors who spew and indoctrinate gullible students with their socialist ideas and values, are just as responsible as the parents for failing to properly prepare graduates to face and, most importantly, survive in the world of reality they will soon be thrust into. If it wasn't so sad, colleges providing students with a "safe space" and time off to somehow deal with the Trump victory should have easily won "joke of the year" award. I'm sure in the business world such a need would have been easily accommodated by showing the requester the door and a warning not to let it hit them on the way out - for good!

Am I correct that post is meant to be satire? Otherwise, rather silly and foolish to post such drivel.
Duck, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do now that you've withdrawn your apology for being a condescending ND elitist. Maybe this board has a safe space for me so I can cope? Your arrogance is reaching echo status.

Echo, you really are running out of material. I didn't think it was possible but I guess your tiny little brain just ran out of arrogant barbs. Try harder next time AJ.
Duck, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do now that you've withdrawn your apology for being a condescending ND elitist. Maybe this board has a safe space for me so I can cope? Your arrogance is reaching echo status.

francade...sometimes condescension is appropriate and this was one of those times. Good luck with your continued inability to fully read and understand the arguments and opinions of those you don't agree with.
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Once again, the liberal gets to tell all of us when it's ok to be condescending and when it's not ok. Lmao.
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IMHO, if ROI were a key element in college choice, schools like ND would cease to exist. The college choice is about much more than ROI. It's just one of many factors, more important to some than it is to others.

I just saw this, and wanted you to know ND, Ivy Leagues, Stanford, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, et al have excellent average ROI. Almost always high regardless of high cost due to corresponding with excellent available schools of business, technology, science, and law.
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As far as mixing religion and politics, Democrats go into black churches and ask for their votes almost always on the Sunday before a national election. You see it all the time.
The Dems want tax money for educating the poor and treating the sick. The Reps want tax cuts for the rich and no money for education or medical.
The Dems want tax money to buy more votes. Neither party wants to shut down the welfare state. The Dems because because they want government to be the answer to everything. The GOP because they are afraid of forcing healthy people to get off the asses.
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the left only tolerates freedom of speech when you agree withthem

if you don't you are racist, sexist , homophobic, xenophobic , and I am sure they will invent some new phobias