This board needs a Curt Schilling type


All Star
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2003
to come and clean up this board. And we all know who to go after! Just saying!
That blog entry was on point, loved it. The cyber world is out of control. I read these comments on ESPN articles and other places and it is just garbage. The amount of cowards spewing hate and uncouth comments while sitting behind their monitors is a joke. I get fired up every reading the crap these people post with their opinions on people they have never met. Glad he held those guys accountable because that truly is the root problem, there is no accountability on the web. You got all these dudes with shields running around message boards bullying the 'poor peasants'. This example isn't close to what was said about his daughter but just a microcosm of the larger issue.
Originally posted by Irishjohn68:

to come and clean up this board. And we all know who to go after! Just saying!
You mean someone who blows his entire fortune on a video game startup?
This is not an ND football board.

It is an ND football board that is often infested by the selfish, obsessive, lying and pathological behavior of an absolute douche bag who has no relationship, affiliation or care for Notre Dame.

If people want to understand why fans from other schools often have their backs up and express disdain for Notre Dame this poster is a case study for how and why others develop ND hatred of everything Sorin, Hesburgh, Rockne, Leahy, Parseghian and others sought to build.

The current blaming of Bowden for 61 students from 10 sports taking an on line music course that was academically compromised and self reported to the NCAA by fsu is more of the absurd.

Should we blame Kelly for our recent academic transgressions?

Yes, FSU also had an agent? purchase athletic shoes for its' football players. Are we to blame Holtz for Dunbar?

Yes winston's behavior has been disgraceful in multiple instances. He obviously has character issues. I have yet to see an FSU fan not agree to that...

This board is under assault by the mindless ramblings of an attention starved selfish dimwit who could care less about Notre Dame or the people on this board that come here to discuss ND football.

It's pathetic.

We're only as strong as our weakest link....

Fellow Alum Wax who invited me to post here did his best, but he no longer monitors the site.

Understand this well.

This poster (and all his handles) hates ND as much as he hates the people here who he gives the finger to every day.

This should be the stock response to everything he posts....

"What the hell is wrong with you? We are all tired of this crap. No one but you cares about Winston, you sick son of a bitch. Posting your inane drivel under fifteen different user names does not make your point any more valid, SFB."
Originally posted by YourHuckleberry:

Originally posted by Irishjohn68:

to come and clean up this board. And we all know who to go after! Just saying!
You mean someone who blows his entire fortune on a video game startup?
I laughed at this.. nice one.
I vote for bizzybeck as new Commander and Chief of Cuba. She'll crack down on that free speech immediately.
How many here can say they had the opportunity to run out of the tunnel on Saturday afternoon? Have any of you played division 1 football? When you have get back to me.
Originally posted by ssavon66:
How many here can say they had the opportunity to run out of the tunnel on Saturday afternoon? Have any of you played division 1 football? When you have get back to me.
Why? One wanna be is enough.
It isn't a matter of free speech.. Like it or not what you say has consequences and the freedom of speech argument doesn't hold any water. Verbal threats and slander are two examples where your 1st amendment rights go out the window. Slander happens constantly on the web; thankfully two of these clowns that attacked Schilling and his daughter had consequences; one lost his job and the other was suspended from college. Now, there isn't any practical way to police all the low life lunatics who live on the web criticizing athletes and celebs but good to see justice was served in a minor form here.
Re: This board needs a Curt Schilling type
ssavon66 posted on 3/4/2015...
How many here can say they had the opportunity to run out of the tunnel on Saturday afternoon? Have any of you played division 1 football? When you have get back to me.

What the hell, are you even paying attention! dumbass!
Good points Irishjohn. A little levity is fine but these immature children should be have a time -out.
I come her only to hope that I will "be hopnored at a ND halftime" someday like so many here have been. It's on my bucket list and I don't have much time left. Please take that into consideration when Curt or his prototype show up.
Traffic pays the bills. The owners don't really care if posts are good or bad as long hits keep growing.

As far as the EXXXXTREEEEEEEME!!! Rockne Roundtable folks bullying, I suggest just laughing those clods off. Their rote jokes suck, and beyond that they don't seem to have much to contribute.
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Originally posted by schadenfreude:
Traffic pays the bills. The owners don't really care if posts are good or bad as long hits keep growing.

As far as the EXXXXTREEEEEEEME!!! Rockne Roundtable folks bullying, I suggest just laughing those clods off. Their rote jokes suck, and beyond that they don't seem to have much to contribute.
Simpletons should not be thinking they are bullies.
Do we really need a curt schilling type here? That would be a mighty expensive addition. He already defrauded the state of Rhode Island out of 75-million dollars. No one has the right to do what they did to his daughter, but he is an ultimate scum bag of a human being.
Originally posted by TurnoverMachine:
Do we really need a curt schilling type here? That would be a mighty expensive addition. He already defrauded the state of Rhode Island out of 75-million dollars. No one has the right to do what they did to his daughter, but he is an ultimate scum bag of a human being.
Curt Schilling is the ultimate scum bag of a human being? Pretty sure I could start writing a list of scumbags now and wouldn't make it to Schilling before my number is called.