Not outclssed


Posts Like A Champion
Nov 16, 2012
We were in this game - almost to the end.

Against a team picked to be right there fighting for the NC.

To be blunt this team looked better than just about every Kelly team facing the top teams in the country

BUT WE STILL LOST and so no it was NOT a moral victory which frankly does not exist.

Freeman is showing the reality of a coach needing OJT. This was the risk you take when you have someone who has never been a HC before.

This was a horrendous way for a player to debut as the starter; against a top team. TB I think did well NOT to turn it over.

Bottom line is that this team needs to do better in most areas though the D did very well I thought in NOT giving up big plays.
ESPN headline says Ohio State wins defensive struggle over Notre Dame

This was a competitive game right to the end so even the antiND ESPN crowd acknowledges this

This gives me hope that we might be taking a step forward.

BUT we MUST win
ESPN headline says Ohio State wins defensive struggle over Notre Dame

This was a competitive game right to the end so even the antiND ESPN crowd acknowledges this

This gives me hope that we might be taking a step forward.

BUT we MUST win
If we score 27 vs Marshall will you still be hopeful
He tossed for 63% and almost 200 yards. He did some damage with his legs too. You have to remember this is his first game. It takes repetition and experience. CJ stound was 59% his first game against an unranked team. Bryce Youn was 5-8 for 63% as well his first game. Also against an unranked team.

One game does not make a QB. I'd give him this year before we decide to write him off.
I'm at least hopeful that we are closing some of the talent gap but this game will obviously help Ohio State maintain their hold on the top talent over ND.
I want to see what the next three weeks bring against what should all be wins. Let's get some of our freshman game experience because we were limited tonight offensively showing any WR speed outside of really the first pass Buchner threw.
He tossed for 63% and almost 200 yards. He did some damage with his legs too. You have to remember this is his first game. It takes repetition and experience. CJ stound was 59% his first game against an unranked team. Bryce Youn was 5-8 for 63% as well his first game. Also against an unranked team.

One game does not make a QB. I'd give him this year before we decide to write him off.
Like I said this was a horrendous way to start your career as a starter
BUT he did not turn it over and did not look panicked or nervous that I could see which is very important
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He tossed for 63% and almost 200 yards. He did some damage with his legs too. You have to remember this is his first game. It takes repetition and experience. CJ stound was 59% his first game against an unranked team. Bryce Youn was 5-8 for 63% as well his first game. Also against an unranked team.

One game does not make a QB. I'd give him this year before we decide to write him off.
It’s not his first game? Why would you think or say that?
I'm at least hopeful that we are closing some of the talent gap but this game will obviously help Ohio State maintain their hold on the top talent over ND.
I want to see what the next three weeks bring against what should all be wins. Let's get some of our freshman game experience because we were limited tonight offensively showing any WR speed outside of really the first pass Buchner threw.
we are doing fine recruiting so that part is immaterial. To be blunt I think we have HAD the talent to be more competitive and Kelly just could not do well in big games
It’s truly pathetic that the University of Notre Dame can’t find a big time QB. Smh
Huh…. You think the 7 or 8 games he played in had no value? Like bringing us back at Virginia tech?
you really do not get it? its been explained to you multiple times

When you are the STARTER and supposed to be the STARTER that is VERY different then being the backup filling in.
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we are doing fine recruiting so that part is immaterial. To be blunt I think we have HAD the talent to be more competitive and Kelly just could not do well in big games
I'll agree mostly but man it would be nice to have the conga line of quarterbacks, wide receivers and running backs Ohio State gets.

As for Kelly, mostly very good but never great coach because of his big game losses. I will be pulling for FSU tomorrow which doesn't feel right but I'll rationalize it since they are in the ACC.
Huh…. You think the 7 or 8 games he played in had no value? Like bringing us back at Virginia tech?
Being the man, leader, starter on the road at Oh St IS different than some change of pace @ Va Tech. Bet he threw more tonight than all 2021 season.
only a fool gives up on TB after his first game as the established starter
TB was fine. He just had no threats after the first qtr other than keeping for 3 yards.

The only time I got mad was when he audibles at misdfield on 3rd and long and changed to a worthless keeper. Reading the coverage doesn't mean you suddenly become Vince Young son.
IDK. He was pressured lots and in the last QTR, Tommy got pretty vanilla. We also saw some big drops.

Avoid a OPI and hold down a 3-11 to a FG and you got a 7 pt game on our last drive.

Would like to see Tobias in and more downhill Estime runs. We moved to outside.

TR needs to stay aggressive and TB needs to get reps.

This game probably helps our rankings. We known now we got some ballers, a top D and a kicker. Time to turn up that O.
The defense has potential. But Buchner seems limited, I’m really not sure he’s better than Pyne. Hate to say it, but I see a 9-3 or even 8-4 type squad.
I'm with you on Buchner. Frankly, I've never "gotten" him. To me, he's the quintessence of UNORTHODOX. A work in progress with almost UNLIMITED POTENTIAL to REMAIN ONE.

Maybe, he'll prove me wrong. But there's no question I'm not seeing sophomores Joe Theisman, Tom Clements or Tony Rice out there. THOSE GUYS I trusted.

I'm with you on Buchner. Frankly, I've never "gotten" him. To me, he's the quintessence of UNORTHODOX. A work in progress with almost UNLIMITED POTENTIAL to REMAIN ONE.

Maybe, he'll prove me wrong. But there's no question I'm not seeing sophomores Joe Theisman, Tom Clements or Tony Rice out there. THOSE GUYS I trusted.

oh the sky is falling...
so many chicken littles after just one game against arguably the 2nd best team in the nation
I'm with you on Buchner. Frankly, I've never "gotten" him. To me, he's the quintessence of UNORTHODOX. A work in progress with almost UNLIMITED POTENTIAL to REMAIN ONE.

Maybe, he'll prove me wrong. But there's no question I'm not seeing sophomores Joe Theisman, Tom Clements or Tony Rice out there. THOSE GUYS I trusted.

Give him time, like the head coach he needs some on the job training!
We were in this game - almost to the end.

Against a team picked to be right there fighting for the NC.

To be blunt this team looked better than just about every Kelly team facing the top teams in the country

BUT WE STILL LOST and so no it was NOT a moral victory which frankly does not exist.

Freeman is showing the reality of a coach needing OJT. This was the risk you take when you have someone who has never been a HC before.

This was a horrendous way for a player to debut as the starter; against a top team. TB I think did well NOT to turn it over.

Bottom line is that this team needs to do better in most areas though the D did very well I thought in NOT giving up big plays.
Another moral victory. Hey , we kept it close for 3 qtrs. Sorry but BK would be lambasted if he lost. As The Who said so eloquently “ Meet the new boss same as the old boss
Another moral victory. Hey , we kept it close for 3 qtrs. Sorry but BK would be lambasted if he lost. As The Who said so eloquently “ Meet the new boss same as the old boss
This was a big improvement. Still need a lot of work
oh the sky is falling...
so many chicken littles after just one game against arguably the 2nd best team in the nation
I'm not talking about the sky falling but rather the sun never setting on Tyler Buchner. This kid has been hyped to the moon.

It was the OTHER QB who made the plays last night.

And against ND which isn't a bad team.


Why would anyone compare osu with fsu. That would be dumb
BK almost beat FSU with Winston. Pat Ryan scumbag ref stole the game. I thought our offense looked anemic. We hung for 3 qtrs. Loss is loss right? This is year 1. Let’s see where we are after year 3.
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BK almost beat FSU with Winston. Pat Ryan scumbag ref stole the game. I thought our offense looked anemic. We hung for 3 qtrs. Loss is loss right? This is year 1. Let’s see where we are after year 3.
ND's defense HELD SERVE for 3 quarters then folded. OSU simply wore it down.

But ND itself had NO SERVE. The offense is not only anemic against a team of this stature, it's also TENTATIVE. I had no confidence that it could operate with any sustained effectiveness. Almost remarkably, it managed one really good drive.

Another heavyweight fight. Another loss. Not a knockout, but clearly beaten on points.
I'm not talking about the sky falling but rather the sun never setting on Tyler Buchner. This kid has been hyped to the moon.

It was the OTHER QB who made the plays last night.

And against ND which isn't a bad team.


“Other” QB? You speak of him as if he’s just any other QB who outshined Buchner. That “other QB” is probably the #1 pick in the draft.
“Other” QB? You speak of him as if he’s just any other QB who outshined Buchner. That “other QB” is probably the #1 pick in the draft.
Sure. I was INTENTIONALLY understating it.

I'm fully aware of who the OTHER GUY is. He's the kind of QB ND USED TO GET.

Now, it gets Wimbush, Book, Pyne and Buchner.

No #1 draft pick there.