I am wondering


All Star
Oct 3, 2004
As I sit here in the PNW, 28 degrees, snow covering the ground, good wife still catching up on her sleep after we returned home, after a good evening with friends, thankful that at 71 I am still looking forward to watching another ND game; I am wondering: Watched Alabama last night and their out of nowhere back pile up over 200 yds rushing; was shocked to hear he was a 5th year senior, been sitting on the bench for 4 years waiting his turn; and he didn't transfer, taking advantage of the new rules. So, has Alabama been losing players to the transfer portal at all? If not, why not? If so, what are some examples? If not, what is keeping them at Alabama? Just being at Alabama, even if riding the bench, is the key to an NFL future? Or, are Alabama players getting other "benefits" by hanging around. That's it. Two minutes to kick off. Hope the Irish can win this game.
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