College football season is several months away but

I don’t always agree with his perspective but on Covid-19, He’s been brilliant.

I still don’t know how the Chinese, who Officially announced covid-19 to the world in January, don’t have any new cases less than 80 days later.

Can anyone explain that ?

don’t test non symptomatics and you don’t have new cases!
That was the original platform for the CDC.

And cremating the sick (hosts) while they were alive relieved some of the stress on the facilities.

It comes down to the ‘jump’ for the virus! no jump = death (for the virus)
the delayed prep makes the lack of hosts scenario the ultimate resolution.

what lack of hosts means has various degrees of ‘dire’.

We hope we social distance to create a situation where the ‘jump’ becomes zero.
If contracted persons do develop a degree of immunity then it is possible thevirus dies out before we run out of people!

Clearly the science, our super computers and brainiacs are playing from behind; virus ahead by 20 into the 4th Q.

Here's what the darker side of the disease looks like. This article turned up on one of my news feeds. And it's a verified eye-witness account.

What's shocking is how a person -- any person -- can be sick with this virus then suddenly, without warning, go into respiratory failure.

A football analogy would be -- you're losing 3-0 going into the fourth quarter and the final score turns out to be 45-0. There you were, expecting to rally, but, instead, you're DEAD.

What's even more alarming than this article is talk in the Administration of ramping back up the economy after that ARBITRARY 15-day "grace" period it imposed has elapsed.

Or maybe only doing it in places where the virus hasn't spread much. Are they serious? It's headed EVERYWHERE.

If you encourage business as usual in relatively unaffected areas, you only accelerate the spread there. Instead, those areas should be practicing serious social distancing, so that the virus can be contained.

Corporate pressure on the administration appears to be intense. For instance, corporations DO NOT want Trump utilizing the Defense Production Act as they reckon it will cost them.

So, what we may see is the emergence of two schools of thought:
  1. Those who believe a certain number of deaths is tolerable in order to protect the corporate sector, its principal stakeholders and, by extension, the broader economy.
  2. Those who don't care if the economy completely tanks as long as as many lives are saved as possible.
Between these two poles will lie a continuum, and we'll see who lines up where along it. But, at some point, this will come down to MONEY VS. LIVES.
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call home!

how are you and family? your decision to evac looks golden!
You're quite literally panicking over a virus that kills fewer Americans than household pets do.

Heck, even the worst projections say that you're still much, much more likely to be killed by your all-organic Prius than you are corona virus.

And yet you try to claim that you're panties aren't soaking and soiled.......

Update: household pets have killed at least 947 Americans today.
Many, many people already have it & will never know it, like most viruses.

What we have already seen is a dramatic drop in mortality rates & even severe cases.

The current mortality rate, once you remove the high risk cluster in Washington, is under 1% (.00903) in the US.

The overall cases & deaths will go up, but the overall mortality rate will continue to drop. A mortality rate just at or under 1% is the same as a “severe flu” season, like two years ago.

Unfortunately the overall mortality rate in the US is now 2.71%.

World wide, it stands at 5.38%. The world stats are skewed by China fudging their numbers.
Unfortunately the overall mortality rate in the US is now 2.71%.

World wide, it stands at 5.38%. The world stats are skewed by China fudging their numbers.
When you calculate the large amount of people who have had it and didnt know about it, or had only minor symptoms and didnt get tested, that number is actually much lower
When you calculate the large amount of people who have had it and didnt know about it, or had only minor symptoms and didnt get tested, that number is actually much lower

Yeah, you wrote the same thing a month back when the world mortality rate was estimated at only 3.4%.

"In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

“Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”
Yeah, you wrote the same thing a month back when the world mortality rate was estimated at only 3.4%.

"In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

“Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”
Still stands today
Hoping that liberals and dems die is notably objectionable.

Please show where someone on this board wished the same fate for conservatives and Republicans.
Under the topic "480,000 Americans Die From Smoking", the ever brilliant ZVZ said this... "The silver lining to this is it's going to kill mostly old ppl (GOP voters) and unhealthy overweight trash (GOP voters)". You said NOTHING. No outrage. And before you say that you didn't see the post, you were a contributor to that thread so you read the comments looking for something to respond to. You said NOTHING. His comments have since been deleted. You asked and you received . You're not protected by your lefty school chums here.
Under the topic "480,000 Americans Die From Smoking", the ever brilliant ZVZ said this... "The silver lining to this is it's going to kill mostly old ppl (GOP voters) and unhealthy overweight trash (GOP voters)". You said NOTHING. No outrage. And before you say that you didn't see the post, you were a contributor to that thread so you read the comments looking for something to respond to. You said NOTHING. His comments have since been deleted. You asked and you received . You're not protected by your lefty school chums here.

Yeah, I don't recall seeing that DELETED post. Not everyone reads every post when they comment in a thread. It was a shitty thing to write.

I see in that thread you objected to ZVZ but didn't say anything to d1042. And we know you've seen d1042's joke.

Also, kindly f off.
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Wow. The f word. LOL. You asked. I obliged. Next time don’t ask if you’re going to go all Bill Maher about it.
Wow. The f word. LOL. You asked. I obliged. Next time don’t ask if you’re going to go all Bill Maher about it.

assuming your debate is with brain dead Ivan B (B is for braindead)
the guy is a waste of a life, most likely a racist bigot liberal.
liberals like to come off as, well liberal all inclusive, but the truth is every action, reaction and opinion is based upon race and ethnicity. It is their mojo - modus operandi.
assuming your debate is with brain dead Ivan B (B is for braindead)
the guy is a waste of a life, most likely a racist bigot liberal.
liberals like to come off as, well liberal all inclusive, but the truth is every action, reaction and opinion is based upon race and ethnicity. It is their mojo - modus operandi.

Maybe you should light a candle, or at least say a prayer for me to die.
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assuming your debate is with brain dead Ivan B (B is for braindead)
the guy is a waste of a life, most likely a racist bigot liberal.
liberals like to come off as, well liberal all inclusive, but the truth is every action, reaction and opinion is based upon race and ethnicity. It is their mojo - modus operandi.
Having lived in California my entire life, most (not all) of my friends are liberal Democrats. We tend to agree on most lofty goals for our country, but almost invariably disagree on how best to achieve these. Good natured well articulated differences of opinion a few years ago was the norm, whereas today these are expressed in more emotional rigid terms, with hatred for all things Trump. Our liberal media fans these emotions, and along with selective Democrat leaders, neatly wraps opposing thoughts with oppressive labels of racism and other characterization of identity politics. Most of my friends repudiate these displays when discussed specifically, but they are not attuned to hearing and rejecting these routinely. Our political discussions have suffered and become less often as a result, but our friendships endure. I would not wish ill for any of them and the same is true of their thoughts for me. We’re not friends here in the traditional sense, but we should all repudiate posts calling for those of opposing views to be the victims of shootings or pandemics, etc... Ivan and stu and others drive me nuts with some of the lopsided crap they post, but I respect their right to these views and appreciate that they care enough to research and express same. The same can be Said of several posters here of the opposite views. I suspect your offensive post wishing those killed by pets and animals were Dems and liberals was simply a botched effort at humor.
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Having lived in California my entire life, most (not all) of my friends are liberal Democrats. We tend to agree on most lofty goals for our country, but almost invariably disagree on how best to achieve these. Good natured well articulated differences of opinion a few years ago was the norm, whereas today these are expressed in more emotional rigid terms, with hatred for all things Trump. Our liberal media fans these emotions, and along with selective Democrat leaders, neatly wraps opposing thoughts with oppressive labels of racism and other characterization of identity politics. Most of my friends repudiate these displays when discussed specifically, but they are not attuned to hearing and rejecting these routinely. Our political discussions have suffered and become less often as a result, but our friendships endure. I would not wish ill for any of them and the same is true of their thoughts for me. We’re not friends here in the traditional sense, but we should all repudiate posts calling for those of opposing views to be the victims of shootings or pandemics, etc... Ivan and stu and others drive me nuts with some of the lopsided crap they post, but I respect their right to these views and appreciate that they care enough to research and express same. The same can be Said of several posters here of the opposite views. I suspect your offensive post wishing those killed by pets and animals were Dems and liberals was simply a botched effort at humor.

“post wishing those killed by pets and animals were Dems and liberals was simply a botched effort at humor.”

yep, it was in sarcastic reply to an earlier post. my bet was to be understood by that poster, I had to reply on that level

call home!

how are you and family? your decision to evac looks golden!

Thanks for the query.

We're all hanging in. My son and has girlfriend appear to be well, and my wife hasn't coughed once since this all began. She was the one with the two recent bouts of bacterial pneumonia.

I'm hoping my own case is one of bronchial allergies, rather than the virus. I have no fever or any other viral symptom.

So, time will tell.

But people are beginning to get cabin fever as is the case everywhere, and we're having a sit-down tomorrow to discuss who uses the car, the resistance pool and other parts of the main house.

No one wishes to feel so confined that they'd actually prefer returning to New York at a time when it's still the raging center of a global pandemic.

Our major concern now is my mother who's in an assisted living facility in Westchester County, where two of the residents have tested positive. The infection was clearly brought in by one of the staff or via a delivery.

There's no way the entire staff of that facility will be tested, so the infection will spread, and the odds of my mother surviving are now not good. She's 93 and has a pacemaker and diabetes.

I suspect others in assisted living and nursing homes are living under the same Sword of Damocles.

Hope you and yours are well. Same for others here and everywhere else. This is a war zone, and bullets do NOT discriminate.
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Thanks for the query.

We're all hanging in. My son and has girlfriend appear to be well, and my wife hasn't coughed once since this all began. She was the one with the two recent bouts of bacterial pneumonia.

I'm hoping my own case is one of bronchial allergies, rather than the virus. I have no fever or any other viral symptom.

So, time will tell.

But people are beginning to get cabin fever as is the case everywhere, ...
I suspect others in assisted living and nursing homes are living under the same Sword of Damocles.
Hope you and yours are well. Same for others here and everywhere else. This is a war zone, and bullets do NOT discriminate.

Keep bringing good reports! wewill add prayers for your family.

Yes, this Virus is no respecter of persons.