
I've posted how many times?
Gold Member
Nov 25, 2018
Awaits many of you this weekend !

Specifically, those of you who are Brian Kelly and/or Tommy Rees haters.

After the Alabama vs LSU game some of you are going to be incredibly disappointed !

Some of you are going to have to eat a huge helping of crow and humble pie !

Your only salvation might be a tie !

So to all of you haters, have a miserable weekend ! 😜

As for me, I’m rooting for the son of Notre Dame, Tommy Rees ! 👍
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Awaits many of you this weekend !

Specifically, those of you who are Brian Kelly and/or Tommy Rees haters.

After the Alabama vs LSU game some of you are going to be incredibly disappointed !

Some of you are going to have to eat a huge helping of crow and humble pie !

Your only salvation might be a tie !

So to all of you haters, have a miserable weekend ! 😜

As for me, I’m rooting for the son of Notre Dame, Tommy Rees ! 👍
One of them will lose. So it will be a good day.

And its dilemma
Why would someone not pull for Rees/Alabama? He played football at ND, coached at ND, and didn't bail with Kelly when Kelly tried to take him. I hope Alabama crushes them this weekend. But it will probably be a competitive game to the end.
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Why would someone not pull for Rees/Alabama? He played football at ND, coached at ND, and didn't bail with Kelly when Kelly tried to take him. I hope Alabama crushes them this weekend. But it will probably be a competitive game to the end.
I do not get the Tommy Rees vitriol. Brian Kelly, I get.

I was in the LA Coliseum in 2010 when Tommy was a true freshman and started at QB and beat USC, ending a long losing streak. Tommy Rees started at QB, is a Notre Dame grad, coached in South Bend, and is a Notre Dame man. To openly root against the guy, who at 31-years-old has accomplished quite a bit in the CFB coaching profession, simply confuses me.
Awaits many of you this weekend !

Specifically, those of you who are Brian Kelly and/or Tommy Rees haters.

After the Alabama vs LSU game some of you are going to be incredibly disappointed !

Some of you are going to have to eat a huge helping of crow and humble pie !

Your only salvation might be a tie !

So to all of you haters, have a miserable weekend ! 😜

As for me, I’m rooting for the son of Notre Dame, Tommy Rees ! 👍
No dilemma for me. Rooting for Tommy to have a great offensive game plan and Alabama win.
No dilemma for me. Rooting for Tommy to have a great offensive game plan and Alabama win.
A good offensive game plan isn't difficult against LSU. Stopping the LSU offense is tougher.
A good offensive game plan isn't difficult against LSU. Stopping the LSU offense is tougher.
Agreed. But the point of the OP is choosing who to root for or against between Tommy and Kelly. I choose to root for Tommy, and thus Alabama to beat LSU, and I hope Tommy earns kudos for a great offensive game plan. And yes, the Alabama defense has to find a way to slow down LSU’s qb.
I'm rooting for LSU, because with 2 losses, they're already out of the playoff race. But Alabama's still in it. I don't want either team to make the playoff. And that has nothing to do with Rees. I usually root against Alabama.
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Agreed. But the point of the OP is choosing who to root for or against between Tommy and Kelly. I choose to root for Tommy, and thus Alabama to beat LSU, and I hope Tommy earns kudos for a great offensive game plan. And yes, the Alabama defense has to find a way to slow down LSU’s qb.
The LSU QB is damn good.
Awaits many of you this weekend !

Specifically, those of you who are Brian Kelly and/or Tommy Rees haters.

After the Alabama vs LSU game some of you are going to be incredibly disappointed !

Some of you are going to have to eat a huge helping of crow and humble pie !

Your only salvation might be a tie !

So to all of you haters, have a miserable weekend ! 😜

As for me, I’m rooting for the son of Notre Dame, Tommy Rees ! 👍
Except for the I’ll advised red cup incident with Carlo Calabrese, Tommy has been an alright dud.

Jmo: BK is just someone I have a lesser (low) opinion of.
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Except for the I’ll advised red cup incident with Carlo Calabrese, Tommy has been an alright dud.

Jmo: BK is just someone I have a lesser (low) opinion of.
Like I said, Brian Kelly I get.

Tommy, I do not.
Tommy is a fellow alumni. I will root for him even though I don't like Alabama all that much. Also if LSU loses and we run the table, maybe we will not have to play them in a bowl game once again.
Should be a really good game. I also have nothing against Kelly or Rees though some here do. Kelly brought back ND to its winning ways and Rees is a fellow alumnus.
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Tommy is a fellow alumni. I will root for him even though I don't like Alabama all that much. Also if LSU loses and we run the table, maybe we will not have to play them in a bowl game once again.
I'd love to play LSU in a bowl. Kelly vs. his former team would be ratings gold.
I have No hate for Tommy Rees. I just don’t think he’s a very good OC. That could obviously change over time. People are just too dumb to realize there’s a difference between the two things.
Not really a dilemma. It’s irrelevant who wins or loses and it doesn't directly affect ND. The only dilemma I see is ND playing Clemson. The tigers will bring their “A” game. The Irish better bring theirs.
I find it real hard to root for Alabama. I think if alabama's offense does its job but the D loses it in the final minute I would be satisfied
Was hoping they could both lose in horrific fashion. If it’s choosing between bama & lsu, I’ll take lsu even though I 🤮 in my mouth when I wrote that.
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Awaits many of you this weekend !

Specifically, those of you who are Brian Kelly and/or Tommy Rees haters.

After the Alabama vs LSU game some of you are going to be incredibly disappointed !

Some of you are going to have to eat a huge helping of crow and humble pie !

Your only salvation might be a tie !

So to all of you haters, have a miserable weekend ! 😜

As for me, I’m rooting for the son of Notre Dame, Tommy Rees ! 👍
I'm with you on rooting for Rees.
I'm with you on rooting for Rees.
If you’re a true fan of the University of Notre Dame how can you root against a former Notre Dame student, a varsity football player and football coach ?
Personally I won't cheer for either team regardless of Notre Dame connections. I will cheer for former players if they play in the game, like diggs.
Awaits many of you this weekend !

Specifically, those of you who are Brian Kelly and/or Tommy Rees haters.

After the Alabama vs LSU game some of you are going to be incredibly disappointed !

Some of you are going to have to eat a huge helping of crow and humble pie !

Your only salvation might be a tie !

So to all of you haters, have a miserable weekend ! 😜

As for me, I’m rooting for the son of Notre Dame, Tommy Rees ! 👍
Irish and Bama win the Irish jump LSU
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I'm with you on rooting for Rees.
Graduate. Former starting QB that I watched beat USC as a true freshman, ending a long losing streak. Former OC. Notre Dame man.

Yeah, I root for the dude.
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