Family values The Bowens have none


I've posted how many times?
Aug 24, 2003
This juvenile inconsiderate and classless behavior falls squarely on parents. No question about this.
His parents are a failure

I could care less about losing this clown. I care deeply that he made a mockery of himself and is wasting his fifteen minutes of fame

Lying repeatedly never acceptable. I hope this young man gets lucky and finds someone who will teach him the manners he never learned at home.

This kid now Carrie’s a bad rep thru his career. I also hope fellow collegiate players greet him warmly on the field so he feels their love
He needs a wake up call
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This juvenile inconsiderate and classless behavior falls squarely on parents. No question about this.
His parents are a failure

I could care less about losing this clown. I care deeply that he made a mockery of himself and is wasting his fifteen minutes of fame

Lying repeatedly never acceptable. I hope this young man gets lucky and finds someone who will teach him the manners he never learned at home.

This kid now Carrie’s a bad rep thru his career. I also hope fellow collegiate players greet him warmly on the field so he feels their love
He needs a wake up call
You are butt hurt because a kid didn't pick ND. Lol
This juvenile inconsiderate and classless behavior falls squarely on parents. No question about this.
His parents are a failure

I could care less about losing this clown. I care deeply that he made a mockery of himself and is wasting his fifteen minutes of fame

Lying repeatedly never acceptable. I hope this young man gets lucky and finds someone who will teach him the manners he never learned at home.

This kid now Carrie’s a bad rep thru his career. I also hope fellow collegiate players greet him warmly on the field so he feels their love
He needs a wake up call
This is pathetic and you have no clue what you are talking about....

His mom is pro ND and still wants him here. He hasnt signed the NLI yet

Your post is pathetic and you are an adult. Who is the child here?

What an embarrassment this post is
This is pathetic and you have no clue what you are talking about....

His mom is pro ND and still wants him here. He hasnt signed the NLI yet

Your post is pathetic and you are an adult. Who is the child here?

What an embarrassment this post is
You. And Him. Sad that you accept this kind of behavior
We live in a world where recruits know their value more than ever ... and a lot of that old school philosophy of kids just feeling lucky to play college ball is antiquated when premiere fbs institutions are billion dollar enterprises now.

ND needs to adapt and quick. That's where your frustration should lie.
You. And Him. Sad that you accept this kind of behavior
I dont.

I'm not an adult that rips people I never have met nor that I know a thing about.

Its sad that you are ripping apart a family because the kid didnt act right

I know a lot of good Christian parents whose kids have done much worse than what PB did. Do they not have values or character?

Your post was immature, pathetic and embarrassing. Mayve you need to work on your values
He’s 18. Lots of people are probably in his head. He isn’t the first to decommit and he won’t be the last. Such is the way of recruiting. Instead of talking about who didn’t sign , let’s focus on the ones who did. That’s what counts. I for one am looking forward to see these young players out on the field for the Irish. The glass is a lot more than half full. Keep the faith. ND is going to surprise many naysayers over the next few years. Go Irish !!
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I saw that little stunt he pulled, at his signing day ceremony, and it was the most podunk, innocuous little nothing.... A nothing burger, isn't that what everyone says now? And you got these mean, stern ND fans castigating him for it. Nor did his Mom look like she was devastated when he switched hats. It was just nothing all.

He seems like a nice enough kid. Hopefully he keeps his head on straight, and all this recruiting brouhaha will pass. Seemed like he would have been a good enough fit at ND, but it turns out it wasn't meant to be. So we'll just have to manage.
This juvenile inconsiderate and classless behavior falls squarely on parents. No question about this.
His parents are a failure

I could care less about losing this clown. I care deeply that he made a mockery of himself and is wasting his fifteen minutes of fame

Lying repeatedly never acceptable. I hope this young man gets lucky and finds someone who will teach him the manners he never learned at home.

This kid now Carrie’s a bad rep thru his career. I also hope fellow collegiate players greet him warmly on the field so he feels their love
He needs a wake up call
actually it is pretty much reflective of the world we live in.
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This juvenile inconsiderate and classless behavior falls squarely on parents. No question about this.
His parents are a failure

I could care less about losing this clown. I care deeply that he made a mockery of himself and is wasting his fifteen minutes of fame

Lying repeatedly never acceptable. I hope this young man gets lucky and finds someone who will teach him the manners he never learned at home.

This kid now Carrie’s a bad rep thru his career. I also hope fellow collegiate players greet him warmly on the field so he feels their love
He needs a wake up call
there will always be a prodigal son.......his mother genuinely looked sad/disappointed by his decision!
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This juvenile inconsiderate and classless behavior falls squarely on parents. No question about this.
His parents are a failure

I could care less about losing this clown. I care deeply that he made a mockery of himself and is wasting his fifteen minutes of fame

Lying repeatedly never acceptable. I hope this young man gets lucky and finds someone who will teach him the manners he never learned at home.

This kid now Carrie’s a bad rep thru his career. I also hope fellow collegiate players greet him warmly on the field so he feels their love
He needs a wake up call
what about his former coaches, his teachers, and so on? what about his dog and his whole neighborhood? failures too? if you want to blame someone, why don't you blame the guy who, you know, did it?

really not cool to trash his family. you know nothing about them - you're just mad.
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We live in a world where recruits know their value more than ever ... and a lot of that old school philosophy of kids just feeling lucky to play college ball is antiquated when premiere fbs institutions are billion dollar enterprises now.

ND needs to adapt and quick. That's where your frustration should lie.
Exactly what I would expect from someone without a soul
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I saw that little stunt he pulled, at his signing day ceremony, and it was the most podunk, innocuous little nothing.... A nothing burger, isn't that what everyone says now? And you got these mean, stern ND fans castigating him for it. Nor did his Mom look like she was devastated when he switched hats. It was just nothing all.

He seems like a nice enough kid. Hopefully he keeps his head on straight, and all this recruiting brouhaha will pass. Seemed like he would have been a good enough fit at ND, but it turns out it wasn't meant to be. So we'll just have to manage.
If anything was needed to show what you really are, this post says it all
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Such a stupid response. Do u have manners? Surely you don’t.
You aren't very bright.This is about millions of dollars being thrown at kids at the last minute who may very well are coming from financially unstable situations.
Put yourself in this kids shoes, 2 million dollars upfront to help himself and family have a better life or go to ND where there is no upfront money, but the potential for it.

Don't blame the kids for making these decisions, blame the NCAA for not putting a stop to it.
This juvenile inconsiderate and classless behavior falls squarely on parents. No question about this.
His parents are a failure

I could care less about losing this clown. I care deeply that he made a mockery of himself and is wasting his fifteen minutes of fame

Lying repeatedly never acceptable. I hope this young man gets lucky and finds someone who will teach him the manners he never learned at home.

This kid now Carrie’s a bad rep thru his career. I also hope fellow collegiate players greet him warmly on the field so he feels their love
He needs a wake up call
Holy epic nuclear level meltdown over an 18 year old complete stranger. I can't imagine how you would behave when you don't get your way over things that are truly personal. You should know, but obviously do not, some kids despite excellent parenting still turn out to be complete turds. Also, in accordance with the tone and intensity of your post, NOBODY believes you could care less (LOL) about losing this clown. The post above is ALL about losing this clown. Don't sell it, nobody is buying it keyboard calvary.
Maybe it is just me, but I find the hand wringing and name calling that has gone on here--especially that involving Peyton Bowen's family--over the choice he made for where he wants to go to school to be a bit over the top. I wish people would step back from the ledge.

This morning I read an excellent post on the ND Nation Board from a guy that posts under the name Bruno95. (Disclaimer: I generally find the ND Nation message board to be a pretty depressing place, so I don't spend much time there, but I visited it to see what was being said about the Peyton Bowen situation.)

The post by Bruno95 was good enough that I thought I would quote him here in full. Here is the perspective he offered:

"I would not want my kids to handle themselves the way some recruits do. But those recruits aren’t my kids and they aren’t receiving my counsel.

Relating to their situations is difficult. No one outside of my family cared where I went to college, let alone actively and publicly inundated me with enticements. I applied to schools. They either accepted me or rejected me. Their word was final. Notre Dame didn’t later write to tell me they found someone smarter, so I should maybe visit Boston College. No one transferred in my junior year, pushing me out of my major.

Sports have gone mad. The pressure of competing for scholarships already drives “travel sports” environments to insanity. Now the crazy parents have personal paydays to motivate them. Enjoy that, parent of well-adjusted-yet-average 12U athlete.

Some of these recruits, maybe most of them, come from situations much different than our own. They can legally be paid money they need. They might not live in two-parent homes. In some cases, recruitment can become a new battleground between parents. Try adding that pressure to the existing pressure of the situation. Indecision and an unwillingness to disappoint can easily become default settings.

We all act differently under stress, and that’s with decades of experience. I wish I hadn’t posted a single thing about any recruit’s course of conduct. I don’t see what he’s going through. He’s a year older than my oldest kid, who can barely get himself to school on time in the morning.

Where a recruit one year older than him goes to school, or how he decides, should be of no moment to me. It’ll work out how it works out. No one cares what we think, and yet even without the pressure of scrutiny, we still regret or should regret how we acted yesterday.

But sweet Jesus, if you’re on Twitter and posting about one of these guys, arguing with other demented fans, and wishing ill on others based on any of this, you need a serious examination of your mental health."

Those are some astute observations, I think.
Harsh. I think the mom really wanted ND and was bummed with Oregon. I don’t think this is on the parents. You can only lead to water. Peyton seems like a Diva
This juvenile inconsiderate and classless behavior falls squarely on parents. No question about this.
His parents are a failure

I could care less about losing this clown. I care deeply that he made a mockery of himself and is wasting his fifteen minutes of fame

Lying repeatedly never acceptable. I hope this young man gets lucky and finds someone who will teach him the manners he never learned at home.

This kid now Carrie’s a bad rep thru his career. I also hope fellow collegiate players greet him warmly on the field so he feels their love
He needs a wake up call
Good morning Ski…I understand the point you’re making, but I don’t See how you can reach this conclusion simply based on what we know. Hell, I’m 72 and my folks are long dead, and I have the greatest respect for the values they taught both by instruction and example while I was growing up. And yet, I did some incredibly stupid immature things when I was eighteen, and can’t imagine how I would have handled the kind of attention and outside influence and public pressure someone like this Bowen kid has experienced. I posted elsewhere that I was disgusted by the fake hat move, and the fact he pulled off this flip on national signing day after repeated assurances to ND of his commitment. He should be ashamed and his family should be embarrassed, but I sure as hell don’t agree with your take that his parents are a failure.
Good morning Ski…I understand the point you’re making, but I don’t See how you can reach this conclusion simply based on what we know. Hell, I’m 72 and my folks are long dead, and I have the greatest respect for the values they taught both by instruction and example while I was growing up. And yet, I did some incredibly stupid immature things when I was eighteen, and can’t imagine how I would have handled the kind of attention and outside influence and public pressure someone like this Bowen kid has experienced. I posted elsewhere that I was disgusted by the fake hat move, and the fact he pulled off this flip on national signing day after repeated assurances to ND of his commitment. He should be ashamed and his family should be embarrassed, but I sure as hell don’t agree with your take that his parents are a failure.
yep! more and more parents exert less and less influence on the youth of toda. We nowhave a new world of media ‘influencers’ who teach immediate gratification values. Parenting is leaving the building!
Rom 1:28
“…They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy...”
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Maybe it is just me, but I find the hand wringing and name calling that has gone on here--especially that involving Peyton Bowen's family--over the choice he made for where he wants to go to school to be a bit over the top. I wish people would step back from the ledge.

This morning I read an excellent post on the ND Nation Board from a guy that posts under the name Bruno95. (Disclaimer: I generally find the ND Nation message board to be a pretty depressing place, so I don't spend much time there, but I visited it to see what was being said about the Peyton Bowen situation.)

The post by Bruno95 was good enough that I thought I would quote him here in full. Here is the perspective he offered:

"I would not want my kids to handle themselves the way some recruits do. But those recruits aren’t my kids and they aren’t receiving my counsel.

Relating to their situations is difficult. No one outside of my family cared where I went to college, let alone actively and publicly inundated me with enticements. I applied to schools. They either accepted me or rejected me. Their word was final. Notre Dame didn’t later write to tell me they found someone smarter, so I should maybe visit Boston College. No one transferred in my junior year, pushing me out of my major.

Sports have gone mad. The pressure of competing for scholarships already drives “travel sports” environments to insanity. Now the crazy parents have personal paydays to motivate them. Enjoy that, parent of well-adjusted-yet-average 12U athlete.

Some of these recruits, maybe most of them, come from situations much different than our own. They can legally be paid money they need. They might not live in two-parent homes. In some cases, recruitment can become a new battleground between parents. Try adding that pressure to the existing pressure of the situation. Indecision and an unwillingness to disappoint can easily become default settings.

We all act differently under stress, and that’s with decades of experience. I wish I hadn’t posted a single thing about any recruit’s course of conduct. I don’t see what he’s going through. He’s a year older than my oldest kid, who can barely get himself to school on time in the morning.

Where a recruit one year older than him goes to school, or how he decides, should be of no moment to me. It’ll work out how it works out. No one cares what we think, and yet even without the pressure of scrutiny, we still regret or should regret how we acted yesterday.

But sweet Jesus, if you’re on Twitter and posting about one of these guys, arguing with other demented fans, and wishing ill on others based on any of this, you need a serious examination of your mental health."

Those are some astute observations, I think.
Stop. The Bowen’s have plenty of money. See their house photos during his in homes. I’m tired of hearing how destitute all these kids are. False narrative. He’s a kid without much integrity and wouldn’t fit with our classes culture. Freeman wasted time on this kid and he shoulda listened to his mentor Brian Kelly about these types. You can’t convince stupid people of the value of ND.
High level recruits do this to ND all the time. Why do people still get upset? Five star athletes aren’t stupid. They know the attention they’ll get being a Notre Dame commit, but know they’ll switch last minute. With NIL I’d go to the school paying 1 million dollars. You’d be stupid not doing so.
Stop. The Bowen’s have plenty of money. See their house photos during his in homes. I’m tired of hearing how destitute all these kids are. False narrative. He’s a kid without much integrity and wouldn’t fit with our classes culture. Freeman wasted time on this kid and he shoulda listened to his mentor Brian Kelly about these types. You can’t convince stupid people of the value of ND.
Yet Christian Gray is from a single parent home I believe. Chose "The Hard Way"
yep! more and more parents exert less and less influence on the youth of toda. We nowhave a new world of media ‘influencers’ who teach immediate gratification values. Parenting is leaving the building!
Rom 1:28
“…They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy...”
Spot ****ing On! You can also add the school system to that. Slowly trying to disconnect kids from the mentoring and values of their family. In many ways the adults are really failing the youth. There used to be a saying "Don't hate the player hate the game" Well, the game is really awful right now. We are making a society that values unaccountability. "Get mine" "Chase the bag!"
I saw that little stunt he pulled, at his signing day ceremony, and it was the most podunk, innocuous little nothing.... A nothing burger, isn't that what everyone says now? And you got these mean, stern ND fans castigating him for it. Nor did his Mom look like she was devastated when he switched hats. It was just nothing all.

He seems like a nice enough kid. Hopefully he keeps his head on straight, and all this recruiting brouhaha will pass. Seemed like he would have been a good enough fit at ND, but it turns out it wasn't meant to be. So we'll just have to manage.
This. It was a childish little move from an 18 year old getting lots of attention but overall a nothing burger.
yep! more and more parents exert less and less influence on the youth of toda. We nowhave a new world of media ‘influencers’ who teach immediate gratification values. Parenting is leaving the building!
Rom 1:28
“…They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy...”
Maybe it is just me, but I find the hand wringing and name calling that has gone on here--especially that involving Peyton Bowen's family--over the choice he made for where he wants to go to school to be a bit over the top. I wish people would step back from the ledge.

This morning I read an excellent post on the ND Nation Board from a guy that posts under the name Bruno95. (Disclaimer: I generally find the ND Nation message board to be a pretty depressing place, so I don't spend much time there, but I visited it to see what was being said about the Peyton Bowen situation.)

The post by Bruno95 was good enough that I thought I would quote him here in full. Here is the perspective he offered:

"I would not want my kids to handle themselves the way some recruits do. But those recruits aren’t my kids and they aren’t receiving my counsel.

Relating to their situations is difficult. No one outside of my family cared where I went to college, let alone actively and publicly inundated me with enticements. I applied to schools. They either accepted me or rejected me. Their word was final. Notre Dame didn’t later write to tell me they found someone smarter, so I should maybe visit Boston College. No one transferred in my junior year, pushing me out of my major.

Sports have gone mad. The pressure of competing for scholarships already drives “travel sports” environments to insanity. Now the crazy parents have personal paydays to motivate them. Enjoy that, parent of well-adjusted-yet-average 12U athlete.

Some of these recruits, maybe most of them, come from situations much different than our own. They can legally be paid money they need. They might not live in two-parent homes. In some cases, recruitment can become a new battleground between parents. Try adding that pressure to the existing pressure of the situation. Indecision and an unwillingness to disappoint can easily become default settings.

We all act differently under stress, and that’s with decades of experience. I wish I hadn’t posted a single thing about any recruit’s course of conduct. I don’t see what he’s going through. He’s a year older than my oldest kid, who can barely get himself to school on time in the morning.

Where a recruit one year older than him goes to school, or how he decides, should be of no moment to me. It’ll work out how it works out. No one cares what we think, and yet even without the pressure of scrutiny, we still regret or should regret how we acted yesterday.

But sweet Jesus, if you’re on Twitter and posting about one of these guys, arguing with other demented fans, and wishing ill on others based on any of this, you need a serious examination of your mental health."

Those are some astute observations, I think.
someone always finds an excuse for a punk
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Good morning Ski…I understand the point you’re making, but I don’t See how you can reach this conclusion simply based on what we know. Hell, I’m 72 and my folks are long dead, and I have the greatest respect for the values they taught both by instruction and example while I was growing up. And yet, I did some incredibly stupid immature things when I was eighteen, and can’t imagine how I would have handled the kind of attention and outside influence and public pressure someone like this Bowen kid has experienced. I posted elsewhere that I was disgusted by the fake hat move, and the fact he pulled off this flip on national signing day after repeated assurances to ND of his commitment. He should be ashamed and his family should be embarrassed, but I sure as hell don’t agree with your take that his parents are a failure.
As usual TelX, great thoughts. And I agree with most of your points

The over the top response from SOME of the people on this board claiming my post was over the top is telling of our societal failures

Let’s be clear. His parents have failed badly. Here is why.
This is not an isolated instance of a youth getting into trouble on his own. So that alone refuted Golson saying kids from good parents still screw up. Yes that is true but what Bowen did was with n in front of his parents. They knew or should have known and advised their son on proper behavior during his announcement. They did not do that

If they had n bowen still did his shameful act, they should have embarrassed him publically and corrected him the hat thing. The lying. Lying to coaches. His fellow commits on the zoom call the evening before and continued lying about no NIL

Every media pundit and recruiting analyst has said the same thing as I did. At least 3 referred to poor parenting. Only difference is most of them put the blame on the kid. I call it straight

No excuse for bad behavior in this case. Parents were there. Parents were aware their son was on zoom call and told ND he was committed. Parents failed and continue to fail.

You can all excuse this bs. I never will

Parenting is a tough job. Many grade out as fail. That’s the case here and in much of our society.
Anyone remember the mom a few years back who basically said" I can't believe he did that and I wanted him to go to LSU?" When her son pulled the same act as Bowen. I can't remeber exactly what she said but she wasn't afraid to voice her displeasure.
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yep! more and more parents exert less and less influence on the youth of toda. We nowhave a new world of media ‘influencers’ who teach immediate gratification values. Parenting is leaving the building!
Rom 1:28
“…They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy...”
This could more accurately describe the mid to late sixties when I was in high school. Bennies and Qualludes and LSD and pot were readily available at parties. The Black Panthers and the US organization were causing racial strife. The Manson Family atrocities were scary as all hell. Time magazine was carrying articles about wife swapping and free love. Haight Asbury in SF was the center of the growing hippie culture. Communes were being celebrated as a new society structure. Protests against the Vietnam war were increasingly violent. Draft dodgers were running to Canada. And many more alarming signs of the collapse of values and societal norms. This generation matured and thrived and gave birth to a generation that loved the likes of Reagan and Pope John Paul ll. While I have concerns about the increasing and dominant influence of outside forces on our youth, and the progressive movement weakening and attacking the critical nature of the basic family unit, I think back to the sixties and find optimism that we will once again see the pendulum swing back...hopefully in my lifetime!
As usual TelX, great thoughts. And I agree with most of your points

The over the top response from SOME of the people on this board claiming my post was over the top is telling of our societal failures

Let’s be clear. His parents have failed badly. Here is why.
This is not an isolated instance of a youth getting into trouble on his own. So that alone refuted Golson saying kids from good parents still screw up. Yes that is true but what Bowen did was with n in front of his parents. They knew or should have known and advised their son on proper behavior during his announcement. They did not do that

If they had n bowen still did his shameful act, they should have embarrassed him publically and corrected him the hat thing. The lying. Lying to coaches. His fellow commits on the zoom call the evening before and continued lying about no NIL

Every media pundit and recruiting analyst has said the same thing as I did. At least 3 referred to poor parenting. Only difference is most of them put the blame on the kid. I call it straight

No excuse for bad behavior in this case. Parents were there. Parents were aware their son was on zoom call and told ND he was committed. Parents failed and continue to fail.

You can all excuse this bs. I never will

Parenting is a tough job. Many grade out as fail. That’s the case here and in much of our society.
Well Ski, as more info comes out, you just may be More accurate in your assessment. Last I read suggested Bowen and family played Oklahoma yesterday to pry a bigger NIL deal from them; and if successful, he will screw Oregon and sign with Oklahoma. If true, his dad in particular has been a terrible influence, and an utter failure, and his mom has been relegated to the back seat.
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Well Ski, as more info comes out, you just may be More accurate in your assessment. Last I read suggested Bowen and family played Oklahoma yesterday to pry a bigger NIL deal from them; and if successful, he will screw Oregon and sign with Oklahoma. If true, his dad in particular has been a terrible influence, and an utter failure, and his mom has been relegated to the back seat.
The most satisfying thing will be watching these bag kids crash and burn, destroy their NFL potential bc they were paid too soon and killed their drive, and blow all their money on hookers and cocaine. Parents will be the ones to blame. Kids like Adon Schuler has a better chance at the NFL bc he needs to put in 4 years of work to make it.
The most satisfying thing will be watching these bag kids crash and burn, destroy their NFL potential bc they were paid too soon and killed their drive, and blow all their money on hookers and cocaine. Parents will be the ones to blame. Kids like Adon Schuler has a better chance at the NFL bc he needs to put in 4 years of work to make it.
work is a 4 letter word
This could more accurately describe the mid to late sixties when I was in high school. Bennies and Qualludes and LSD and pot were readily available at parties. The Black Panthers and the US organization were causing racial strife. The Manson Family atrocities were scary as all hell. Time magazine was carrying articles about wife swapping and free love. Haight Asbury in SF was the center of the growing hippie culture. Communes were being celebrated as a new society structure. Protests against the Vietnam war were increasingly violent. Draft dodgers were running to Canada. And many more alarming signs of the collapse of values and societal norms. This generation matured and thrived and gave birth to a generation that loved the likes of Reagan and Pope John Paul ll. While I have concerns about the increasing and dominant influence of outside forces on our youth, and the progressive movement weakening and attacking the critical nature of the basic family unit, I think back to the sixties and find optimism that we will once again see the pendulum swing back...hopefully in my lifetime!
Well, I was there in the 60’s but I assure you that this is different. (but, thanks for the flashback?)
The most satisfying thing will be watching these bag kids crash and burn, destroy their NFL potential bc they were paid too soon and killed their drive, and blow all their money on hookers and cocaine. Parents will be the ones to blame. Kids like Adon Schuler has a better chance at the NFL bc he needs to put in 4 years of work to make it.