didnt see a game thread

It didn't work but it's a good call to fake there. They are controlling the game and need a spark. Worth the risk of three points.
One of the worst play calls Kelly has ever had at ND. Smh. Decides against having a two possession lead????????? What an idiot.
It didn't work but it's a good call to fake there. They are controlling the game and need a spark. Worth the risk of three points.

It was a horrible call. You need your punter to run for 9 yards there in order to get the first down. Talk about an ultra low percentage play. If Bramblett, the former high school QB was going to throw into the flat there, then fine, but a power run from the punter!?....Why....?
If UL gets a field goal out of this drive let’s just start the coaching search at halftime. I say that in jest but that was such an amateur mistake.
After passing up on 3 points in the process in a game in which the offense looks like your toilet bowl after a night drinking and McDonalds before bed.
Seriously, this game has been disturbing by Kelly. It’s like he’s got money on UL. Takes me back to Tulsa or some of his other gems from years ago.
vvvvery impressed with Louisville, hanging in there with the highly ranked Irish.
I disagree with the fake FG call. Going up 9 to nothing is at least 2 possessions. You always take the points. It was a bad cal. Not even a high percentage call.Louisville gets the ball at the start of the 3rd and are one possession from taking the lead. If ND loses in a close game, the fake FG will be scrutinized.