C Williams


I've posted how many times?
Oct 22, 2007
So C Williams had Fvck ND painted on his finger nails. That’s some good bulletin material. What would I do on defense? I would go hot & heavy side of either knee. Late or early hit. Take the penalty. Ohio St Decker took out Jaylon Smith. What happened to Decker? Nothing, he’s in the NFL. Make Williams have to use his USC degree to garner a paycheck.
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So C Williams had Fvck ND painted on his finger nails. That’s some good bulletin material. What would I do on defense? I would go hot & heavy side of either knee. Late or early hit. Take the penalty. Ohio St Decker took out Jaylon Smith. What happened to Decker? Nothing, he’s in the NFL. Make Williams have to use his USC degree to garner a paycheck.
Unfortunately nobody could catch him!
So C Williams had Fvck ND painted on his finger nails. That’s some good bulletin material. What would I do on defense? I would go hot & heavy side of either knee. Late or early hit. Take the penalty. Ohio St Decker took out Jaylon Smith. What happened to Decker? Nothing, he’s in the NFL. Make Williams have to use his USC degree to garner a paycheck.
I'm personally not a fan of cheap shots, but can you imagine the reaction if a Notre Dame player had a similar message about another team painted on their fingernails?
So C Williams had Fvck ND painted on his finger nails. That’s some good bulletin material. What would I do on defense? I would go hot & heavy side of either knee. Late or early hit. Take the penalty. Ohio St Decker took out Jaylon Smith. What happened to Decker? Nothing, he’s in the NFL. Make Williams have to use his USC degree to garner a paycheck.
so unlike you! (remember ND fans were calling for late hits on CW to take him out of the game! may have been his reply to them)
Hey man good for Caleb. Great player. But if Lincoln left USC for another school tomorrow, Caleb would probably join him.
So C Williams had Fvck ND painted on his finger nails. That’s some good bulletin material. What would I do on defense? I would go hot & heavy side of either knee. Late or early hit. Take the penalty. Ohio St Decker took out Jaylon Smith. What happened to Decker? Nothing, he’s in the NFL. Make Williams have to use his USC degree to garner a paycheck.
wanting to break his legs? hmmm?
Harlem you are always classy, but we all have our moments!
It's ok to write FVCK ND on your finger nails on a national game of the week? Let's say it was reversed and Pyne did it. Firstly, the two talking heads with one of them barley able to contain his disdain for ND would be all over Notre Dame. How could a preeminent Catholic school like ND allow this? They would be all over this. That's one of the big difference between a hardcore SEC school. I actually hope Bama makes it. Williams write Fvck Bama.
Maybe knock him out, but try to end his career?

That’s bad juju almost no football player wants to impart on his fellow competitor.
Ok I'll meet in the middle. I'll take a knockout. ND players should rewatch the tape. What he wrote on his fingernails coupled with the taunting stares as he jogged into the end zone. I know Holtz's defense would not go for that.
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ND would never allow a player like Williams to represent them. Publicly displaying **** ND just wouldn’t work. It’s one thing to say the F word. It’s another thing to brand it on your body 😂

BK was talked to by Jack for using the F bomb and he had to clean up his act. ND prefers the golf etiquette kind of look. To be fair to ND though, it is a trashy look to write that on your hands. Perception is reality.
By the way, Williams now has a huge foot fettich following. There are people with foot fetiches tweeting at him like crazy.
By the way, Williams now has a huge foot fettich following. There are people with foot fetiches tweeting at him like crazy.
His body language and dialect does give off a deviant ish vibe.

I thought the same about Deshaun Watson and thought he was a homosexual.. I’m old and stupid so I mis-read that for just being addicted to sex.
His body language and dialect does give off a deviant ish vibe.

I thought the same about Deshaun Watson and thought he was a homosexual.. I’m old and stupid so I mis-read that for just being addicted to sex.
Nowadays it’s hip to be fluid, so maybe he was a woman yesterday. Just dying to be woke. LA folks dabble in all kinds of no thanks freaky shit. But, I’m old too. I prefer it that way.

I mean, maybe he meant it literally?
I guess I am too old for this new generation! First of all, why would a young man stoop to these levels and secondly, why would a coach allow something like this to happen? Respect your opponent and play the game the way it was meant to be played! Too many adults think this kind of behavior is fine, including members of this board!
So C Williams had Fvck ND painted on his finger nails. That’s some good bulletin material. What would I do on defense? I would go hot & heavy side of either knee. Late or early hit. Take the penalty. Ohio St Decker took out Jaylon Smith. What happened to Decker? Nothing, he’s in the NFL. Make Williams have to use his USC degree to garner a paycheck.

My memory of the Decker hit on Smith was more of a chip shot after the whistle. And it seemed his leg just got stuck in the turf. My memory was that injury was more of a freak accident than something like him diving at his knees. We had a center during the Willingham years who played through the whistle on every single play, delivering the same kind of hits, and we loved him.
I guess I am too old for this new generation! First of all, why would a young man stoop to these levels and secondly, why would a coach allow something like this to happen? Respect your opponent and play the game the way it was meant to be played! Too many adults think this kind of behavior is fine, including members of this board!
Sir, It’s the entire generation. Some rookie hits a HR. He stares @ the ball & flips his bat. No question Mr Williams is a tremendous football player. For me his antics overshadowed his athletic prowess. That’s why I’m a big Barry Sanders fan. Guy would just go about his business. Meanwhile the guy was a stud! Here’s a sophomore in college writing that nonsense on his nails?
All he wanted was Kelly to recruit him and give him some attention

Hes still in his feelings about us not recruiting him

It was our mistake. Now he hates ND. I get it
I think you are missing the sarcasm.
I apologize if I did. SOB Williams got under my skin. I never posted all year during game. I hate this entire FB, Tic Tok, Twitter and how many freaking likes did I get. Me generation.
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Ok I'll meet in the middle. I'll take a knockout. ND players should rewatch the tape. What he wrote on his fingernails coupled with the taunting stares as he jogged into the end zone. I know Holtz's defense would not go for that.
There was an SC QB back in '89 and '90, whose name I forget. The story was that he had been raised from infancy to be a great QB at USC. In a tight game against us in '89, he dropped his shoulder into the back of an ND linebacker after throwing a TD pass. That same player got his revenge on USC's last drive with a sack on the last play.
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I apologize if I did. SOB Williams got under my skin. I never posted all year during game. I hate this entire FB, Tic Tok, Twitter and how many freaking likes did I get. Me generation.
You and me both. I'm hopelessly old school.
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That was stupid and wrong of Caleb to do but arguing to hit a young person late with an intent to injure him, perhaps permanently, is horrific.

It is especially disappointing that this comes from Harlem, a good poster and seemly a good guy.
Williams is a heck of a player but seems like a douche. Should have been flagged for taking helmet off on field, taunting on TD run. Looked like a bitch with his NIL pregame outfit. He was helped with holding on numerous plays.
So C Williams had Fvck ND painted on his finger nails. That’s some good bulletin material. What would I do on defense? I would go hot & heavy side of either knee. Late or early hit. Take the penalty. Ohio St Decker took out Jaylon Smith. What happened to Decker? Nothing, he’s in the NFL. Make Williams have to use his USC degree to garner a paycheck.
He’s an asshole. I told everyone and people thought I was just being anti-SC. I’ve watched every game. Seen his commercials. The dude might be a great player. But he is a complete asshole. I did not like him last year. And nothing is worse than a talented asshole. He will have a fall at some point. Maybe not this year or next but at some point. And I will applaud it.
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That was stupid and wrong of Caleb to do but arguing to hit a young person late with an intent to injure him, perhaps permanently, is horrific.

It is especially disappointing that this comes from Harlem, a good poster and seemly a good guy.
He’s not a young person. And when you’re an asshole all bets are off.

My new nickname for him is Black Manziel.
There was an SC QB back in '89 and '90, whose name I forget. The story was that he had been raised from infancy to be a great QB at USC. In a tight game against us in '89, he dropped his shoulder into the back of an ND linebacker after throwing a TD pass. That same player got his revenge on USC's last drive with a sack on the last play.
I will never have respect for Williams or Riley. They both may be Hall of famers at their craft but they are classless at the same time.
That was stupid and wrong of Caleb to do but arguing to hit a young person late with an intent to injure him, perhaps permanently, is horrific.

It is especially disappointing that this comes from Harlem, a good poster and seemly a good guy.
Beach, I apologize. I'm sick and tired of the instagram and low brow athletes. Listen, The kid is freaking good. Houdini plays he did last night were incredible. What about some humility? You wanna stare down the D as you saunter into the end zone. As a ND fan, I want to teach that SOB a lesson. You wanna say F my school and my teammates , my coaches and fellow students. No FU. The same way if you wanna have some QB stand there & get style points. Lay that person out. We need more Bob Gibson's & Barry Sanders in this world. Congrats on the win but I want some revenge next year.
Beach, I apologize. I'm sick and tired of the instagram and low brow athletes. Listen, The kid is freaking good. Houdini plays he did last night were incredible. What about some humility? You wanna stare down the D as you saunter into the end zone. As a ND fan, I want to teach that SOB a lesson. You wanna say F my school and my teammates , my coaches and fellow students. No FU. The same way if you wanna have some QB stand there & get style points. Lay that person out. We need more Bob Gibson's & Barry Sanders in this world. Congrats on the win but I want some revenge next year.
We all have bad moments and I agree with you on the stare down and fingernails, even the putting a hard hit on. It was the knee shot that was a problem.

To the extent you owe an apology it is accepted.

Of course, you want revenge. I did to every time we lost to you.
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CW did the same thing last year when OU played Texas. If I remember right he had the upside down horn on his nails. Weird. But he is a great player. As pissed as OU fans are about losing him, he won the UT game last year and I would rather USC get in the CFP than Ohio State.
The guy has no class and his coaches enable him. I’m glad that he doesn’t represent Notre Dame.

Hopefully he grows up, otherwise he’ll probably be another cautionary tale when his career ends.
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The guy has no class and his coaches enable him. I’m glad that he doesn’t represent Notre Dame.

Hopefully he grows up, otherwise he’ll probably be another cautionary tale when his career ends.
His childhood reminds me of former Todd Marinovich. A dietician and workouts @ 0500 before school. If the kid was more Barry Sanders, I would hope the Gmen drafted him!
His childhood reminds me of former Todd Marinovich. A dietician and workouts @ 0500 before school. If the kid was more Barry Sanders, I would hope the Gmen drafted

I don’t think he’ll be great in the NFL. Pro defenses are way faster than college so I think his scrambling will probably end badly.

Culturally, he’s a good fit for the Browns, definitely not the Giants. 😝
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I don’t think he’ll be great in the NFL. Pro defenses are way faster than college so I think his scrambling will probably end badly.

Culturally, he’s a good fit for the Browns, definitely not the Giants. 😝
If he was draft eligible, Caleb Williams, IMO, would be a top 10 overall pick.