Not only is Franklin ignorant of the historic reasons for ND's independence, he is apparently ignorant of why and how PSU joined the Big 10 in the first place. Recall that PSU was itself an independent up until 1993. Its move into the Big 10 was done not out of any high-minded principles, or because PSU desired to set up rivalries with the existing members of the Big 10, but because PSU found itself in desperate financial straits and needed the promise of conference revenue sharing to keep its athletic department afloat. This article (which I found posted on the NDN site) details that history pretty well:
A detailed history of how Penn State joined the Big Ten and the animosity they experienced.
Interesting that the vote to take PSU into the Big 10 was 7-3, so even after months of negotiations there were some schools strongly opposed to it. And the article goes into detail on some of the resentment from other schools of bringing PSU in, which apparently smoldered for a number of years.
I guess Franklin forgot about all that stuff. Makes his complaints about ND not being in a conference look pretty shallow.