Enough with the 2 pts!?

BGI User 348

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
IMO this becomes an EASY thing to criticize cause it is a Head Coach call. The REASONS ND lost were PLAYERS not coaching. Lousy defense, no fumbles caused, fumbles, an INT, horrible OL blocking, WR's not getting open or catching.

And forget the lousy weather--clemson had little issue with any of those.

What I saw Saturday night was a focused & determined BK that had the WILL TO WIN. If only our Players wanted it as much.

Show UP and BEAT Navy!!!
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each person knows if at the time they disagreed; as in similar calls in the past; for the others it is hindsight.

Enough with the need for these discussions!

(sorry 348, we can't always agree)
348, agreed. Thought it was the right call at the time, but respect there is a legitimate other view. Regardless, think it is kind of silly to have so much discussion and criticism of Kelly over a 2pt conversion decision that would have converted if not for a marginal throw and missed opportunity by Robinson, while ignoring the near insurmountable challenge create by our four turnovers.
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IMO this becomes an EASY thing to criticize cause it is a Head Coach call. The REASONS ND lost were PLAYERS not coaching. Lousy defense, no fumbles caused, fumbles, an INT, horrible OL blocking, WR's not getting open or catching.

And forget the lousy weather--clemson had little issue with any of those.

What I saw Saturday night was a focused & determined BK that had the WILL TO WIN. If only our Players wanted it as much.

Show UP and BEAT Navy!!!
I didn't see Kelly catch a TD, make an interception or cause fumble either.
if not dumb, questionable. So as such it was questioned.

We have at least one of those each season. Only in 2012 ND escapes the L.
if not dumb, questionable. So as such it was questioned.

We have at least one of those each season. Only in 2012 ND escapes the L.

Pers------I personally think Jaylon has way more athleticism & talent than TEO.....but in that 2012 season TEO made HUGE, GAME CHANGING plays. Still waiting for Jaylon's.......

BEAT Navy!!!
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well I agree; but sometimes it is all about opportunity. Jaylon will be there when the opportunity presents.
Coach Kelly gets the big salary ! It was mostly his fault we lost to Clemson ! He did not get the players motivated to match the intensity of Clemson at the start ! And that two point conversion was stupid and desparate !
That said Coach Kelly did a great job play calling and driving the troops at the end !

*** And Manti could not do many of the things Jaylon Smith has done. Jaylon has saved our buts in many games !
Pers------I personally think Jaylon has way more athleticism & talent than TEO.....but in that 2012 season TEO made HUGE, GAME CHANGING plays. Still waiting for Jaylon's.......

BEAT Navy!!!
^ This. No disrespect to Jaylon but Manti pulled ND kicking and screaming into the NC game. How many times that year did the offense turn the ball over inside the 50 and Manti made a play, or overall the defense stopped them.

Heck that UM game should have been 45-0. A truly awful UM team that turned the ball over 6 times and we still squeaked out the win.
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^ This. No disrespect to Jaylon but Manti pulled ND kicking and screaming into the NC game. How many times that year did the offense turn the ball over inside the 50 and Manti made a play, or overall the defense stopped them.

Heck that UM game should have been 45-0. A truly awful UM team that turned the ball over 6 times and we still squeaked out the win.
I agree but then he laid an egg in the NC Champ. game as did Motta. Both played terrible.
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When are people going to stop making excuses for Kelly and the way his team's perform? Year six and it's the same stuff every year. It's amazing to me how delusional so many fans are.
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I'm sure the NFL scouts like Jaylon Smith. I don't see "it." I would love to see him make a big time play versus a highly ranked opponent. He seems more like a Tuitt. Do nothing at ND, leave early, then be great in the NFL.
I'm sure the NFL scouts like Jaylon Smith. I don't see "it." I would love to see him make a big time play versus a highly ranked opponent. He seems more like a Tuitt. Do nothing at ND, leave early, then be great in the NFL.
It's amazing- just when I think you can't be more of an idiot than you are you prove me wrong.
I'm sure the NFL scouts like Jaylon Smith. I don't see "it." I would love to see him make a big time play versus a highly ranked opponent. He seems more like a Tuitt. Do nothing at ND, leave early, then be great in the NFL.
Wow, you have upped your stupidity/trolling to a whole new level.
IMO this becomes an EASY thing to criticize cause it is a Head Coach call. The REASONS ND lost were PLAYERS not coaching. Lousy defense, no fumbles caused, fumbles, an INT, horrible OL blocking, WR's not getting open or catching.

And forget the lousy weather--clemson had little issue with any of those.

What I saw Saturday night was a focused & determined BK that had the WILL TO WIN. If only our Players wanted it as much.

Show UP and BEAT Navy!!!

TOTALLY agree.

friend, you know that the best way to keep a subject alive?

start a thread, "Enough with...."
I agree but then he laid an egg in the NC Champ. game as did Motta. Both played terrible.

Everybody laid an egg in that game... players and coaches. I still maintain that without Manti ND doesn't even get to the NC game and probably losses 2-3 games that year.
Everybody laid an egg in that game... players and coaches. I still maintain that without Manti ND doesn't even get to the NC game and probably losses 2-3 games that year.

a lot went into the luck o 2012! but yep, I agree with TE'O's role!
a lot went into the luck o 2012! but yep, I agree with TE'O's role!
Perse my friend! I've never been a believer in luck. I go by the old saying... "Luck is the residue of design."

People couldn't wait to get rid of Diaco but, IMO, he and Manti were the 2 people most responsible for getting ND to the NC game.
agree on that idea; ND put opposing defenses and or coaches into positions where decisions were needed; in 2012 those decisions worked in favor of ND (we oft refer to such things as luck)
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Everybody laid an egg in that game... players and coaches. I still maintain that without Manti ND doesn't even get to the NC game and probably losses 2-3 games that year.
But you can't have your best players play like crap in the biggest game of the year. Teo's head was elsewhere.
Everybody laid an egg in that game... players and coaches. I still maintain that without Manti ND doesn't even get to the NC game and probably losses 2-3 games that year.

Maybe, but football is a team game that involves everyone being where they're supposed to be, especially on defense. Its not like we had Adrian Peterson breaking 5 tackles everyplay carrying ND. ND had two very capable players in Dan Fox and Carlo Calabrese to man the middle.
Kelly took a team into a difficult setting in horrific conditions w a first yr 3rd string QB and third string first yr running back and lost by 2 pts to a nationally ranked opponent -- Team fumbled on the goal line as well - Kelly blows can't coach he's an idiot Buguit said so -- IDIOT !!! Buguit said so

Kelly sux Buguit and purse said so

Purse and Buguit are savvy football guys - Kelly sux Buguit said so

Hey Buguit -- see hand see dick !!
Considering this team was completely and utterly unprepared I had a big problem with it.
He should have won coach of the decade for getting the team there. Co coaches Knute and Ara wouldn't have beaten Alabama with the talent differential.
He should have won coach of the decade for getting the team there. Co coaches Knute and Ara wouldn't have beaten Alabama with the talent differential.
I've said it before that getting to the NC game was all about Manti and Diaco. The defense alone got us there. The offense was horrific all season and time and again the defense bailed the team out.

Manti is Kelly's Cam Newton.
I've said it before that getting to the NC game was all about Manti and Diaco. The defense alone got us there. The offense was horrific all season and time and again the defense bailed the team out.

Manti is Kelly's Cam Newton.
Cam finished the deal. Kelly hired Diaco. Many here couldn't wait to get rid of him.
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Cam finished the deal. Kelly hired Diaco. Many here couldn't wait to get rid of him.
I wasn't one of them. He had his warts, like being stuck on a certain "body type" for each position but we always had a good defense when he was our DC.
When are people going to stop making excuses for Kelly and the way his team's perform? Year six and it's the same stuff every year. It's amazing to me how delusional so many fans are.

Witness Peterson at UW. He has come in, taken over a poorly coached, consistently underperforming program under Sarkisan, and coached them to steady, clear improvement each year. I realize players make plays, or mistakes as the case may be. But, a coach creates an atmosphere and personality of a team and program. And, the atmosphere and personality surrounding Kelly's teams are inconsistency, and lack of uniform preparation in some phase of the game or another. I still don't understand how he held on to his job after the fiasco against Alabama. He clearly spent more time cultivating a pro opportunity than preparing the team for Alabama. It is what it is.